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posted on May 14th 2020, at 12:20
by lunarg
You can force-trigger storage DRS recommendations (and possible subsequent storage vMotions) through PowerCLI.

Run the snippet below, replacing the value of $dscName to match the name of the datastore cluster you wish to trigger the DRS recommendation on:

$dscName = 'DatastoreCluster1'$dsc = Get-View -ViewType StoragePod -Filter @{'Name'=$dscName}$si = Get-View ServiceInstance$storMgr = Get-View -Id $si.Content.StorageResourceManager$storMgr.RefreshStorageDrsRecommendation($dsc.MoRef)$dsc.UpdateViewData()if($dsc.PodStorageDrsEntry.Recommendation){ $dsc.PodStorageDrsEntry.Recommendation | %{ $storMgr.ApplyStorageDrsRecommendationToPod_Task($dsc.MoRef,$_.Key) }}


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