Here's a list of direct download links to the latest macOS installers. They are all links to Apple's servers, either direct links to the App Store, or, in case of older versions, links to Apple's CDN.
Direct links to App Store:
Older versions are only available as DMG files from Apple's CDN:
By default, the FortiClient will start up automatically when starting macOS. This may not always be desirable but fortunately, auto-start can be disabled quite easily.
The FortiClient launch agent is located at /Library/LaunchAgents/com.fortinet.forticlient.fct_launcher.plist. Use any text editor to open and edit this file, but you probably will need to do this using Terminal and using sudo to launch a text-based text editor (e.g. vi or nano).
With the file open, look for these lines:
<key>RunAtLoad</key> <true/>
Change true to false and save the file. Note that updates to the FortiClient may overwrite the change.
By default, macOS'es Quick Look functionality caches previews of all files, even those found on file shares or encrypted file systems. This may not be what you want. Fortunately, you can disable Quick Look caching.
Open Terminal and type in these commands:
qlmanage -r disablecache qlmanage -r cache rm -rf $TMPDIR/../C/
If you want to set the Dock size in macOS to a specific value, you can use the Terminal to do so:
defaults write tilesize -int 32; killall Dock
This will set the icon size to 32px, and then restart Dock. To get the current value of the Dock size:
defaults read tilesize
The original version of Boxer is currently no longer in development. Being still 32-bit, it doesn't run on macOS Catalina. Luckily, some people are working on making Boxer 64-bit and have already some success.
You can follow the thread here on github and includes some working downloads.
There's no proper uninstall tool for Office on Mac. To completely uninstall Office for Mac, follow these official instructions:
If you're not ready/able to upgrade to macOS Catalina, you can hide the update from Software Update.
Note that because of sudo, you'll need to be an admin on your Mac.
Open Terminal and enter the following command:
sudo softwareupdate --ignore "macOS Catalina"
Enter your password when prompted.
When you are ready to update, you can un-hide Catalina the same way:
sudo softwareupdate --reset-ignored
Although 3CX has stopped development of the standalone Mac client, the latest version (although now a bit outdated) still works and is downloadable here: