showing posts tagged with 'sbs'
edited by on May 20th 2015, at 14:01
Windows Small Business Server 2003 and 2008 (SBS2003 and SBS2008) are still widely in use, but CALs for these are no longer available for purchase. So, what if you require more CALs but cannot get rid of your old SBS?

SBS 2008 and SBS 2011 work on a trust-based CAL count, so they do not need activation. You can simply purchase SBS 2011 Standard CALs and exercise your downgrade rights. Note that this cannot be done with SBS 2011 Premium CALs as they contain features that are not the same as in SBS2008 Premium.

Unfortunately, for SBS 2003, it's not that simple, as it uses online activation for CALs. In this case, you still have to buy SBS 2011 CALs, which are legally usable on your SBS 2003,  ...
edited by on August 26th 2014, at 12:13
If the Windows Internal Database, used by WSUS, and which is actually an embedded SQL Server, is eating all of your memory, you can limit its memory usage the same way you would with a real SQL Server.

Open an elevated command prompt and launch the SQL prompt:

For WSUS4 (on Server 2012):

osql -E -S \.pipeMicrosoft##WIDtsqlquery

For WSUS3 (on Server 2008, 2008R2 and SBS 2008/2011)

osql -E -S \.pipemssql$microsoft##sseesqlquery

This will log you in with the current credentials (which is why it has to be an elevated command prompt). The SQL prompt (1>) is shown.

Enter the following commands to initiate advanced configuration:

exec sp_configure 'show advanced option', '1';reconfigure;  ...
edited by on February 14th 2014, at 09:54

If you're running Internet Explorer 10 or later, you may get this error when trying to log on to a computer using RDP through Remote Web Workplace:

You can resolve the issue by adding RWW to the Compatibility View list in Internet Explorer.

edited by on February 14th 2014, at 09:33
If you have users that were created in AD but not through the SBS console, you'll notice they will not be present in the SBS console. This can be a nuisance for management purposes when you're used to using the SBS console for administering users, but it can also become a problem for some SBS functionality, such as the SBS POP3 Connector. There is a way for your users to be added to the SBS console without having to recreate them, though.

When querying the list of users, the SBS console in fact looks for a certain AD attribute inside each user. This attribute, when set, will enable listing in the SBS console. So, by setting the attribute, you will in fact "import" the us  ...
edited by on February 14th 2014, at 09:31

You can add RDS servers to the list of computers in Remote Web Workplace, making them available to anyone with access to RWW. The process is simple, requires no reboot and is immediately active.

  1. Fire up regedit.
  2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Microsoft\SmallBusinessServer.
  3. Add a new key called RemoteUserPortal.
  4. Under the new key, create a MultiString value called TsServerNames. Edit the value and insert the name (FQDN or NBN) of your RDS server. If you have more than one, add them on separate lines.

Note that this will only work if your RDS server is inside the SBSServers OU or a sub-OU (i.e. you're allowed to create other OU's inside the SBSServers OU).

edited by on November 6th 2013, at 11:23
After installing updates for Sharepoint on a SBS 2011, you may experience backup failures. The most common error is a problem with Volume Shadow Copy (error 0x800423f0 or 0x800423f3).

The error is occured because updating Sharepoint 2010 is a two-step process. Installing the updates will update the binaries, but you still manually have to update the database by running the database update command.

To determine whether you really need the update, you can run the following command from an elevated Sharepoint 2010 Management shell (available from the start menu):

PS C:> (get-spserver $env:computername).NeedsUpgradeTruePS C:>

When the result returns True, the upgrade is neede  ...
edited by on April 19th 2013, at 13:19

The (rather verbose) logs for the Windows SBS 2008 and 2011 POP3 Connector are located in the folder:

C:\Program Files\Windows Small Business Server\Logs\pop3connector
edited by on March 18th 2013, at 11:15
Windows Fax has some shortcomings concerning how address lists are being used. The original design was to allow the Windows Fax client to use Outlook's address lists whenever Outlook was installed. However, due to incompatibilities between 32-bit and 64-bit, there are some issues where the fax client would not use Outlook, even though Outlook has been installed properly. Unfortunately, if such is the case, there's no real solution, other than switching the architecture of the OS or upgrading to a newer OS. I've jotted down a short and simple matrix of OS and Office versions to indicate which combination is known to work properly with Outlook's address lists.

table.compatma  ...
edited by on March 18th 2013, at 09:28
If Windows Server backup occassionally gives you a timeout, and you get the following error:

The shared protection point operation failed with error 0x81000101.

This error is caused when the volume shadow copy is taking more than 10 minutes and is timing out. You can try to increase the timeout value to fix this issue. This is done by adding a registry key:

Fire up regedit.

Navigate to key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SPP.

Create a new DWORD value with name CreateTimeout, set its value to the number of millis.
For 20 minutes this would be decimal 12000000 (20·60·1000).

Try re-running the backup. The timeout should no longer occur.   ...
edited by on March 14th 2013, at 10:51
The SBS 2011 Fax printer 32-bit drivers currently shipped with SBS 2011 are not compatible with Windows XP. They only work with Vista and newer. Attempting to send a fax on an XP machine with these settings does nothing and no error messages are displayed.

To solve, you can use the driver from SBS 2003 SP2, as these are compatible with the SBS 2011 Fax system. They can be found inside the Windows 2003 SP2 download (see below for detailed instructions), or directly from an SBS 2003 (located in c:\windows\system32\spool\drivers\w32x86\3. The files you need are these:







Most people won't have an SBS 2003 with SP2 anymore.   ...
edited by on February 23rd 2013, at 11:13
Windows SBS has a nasty habbit of taking forever to shutdown/restart. This is because there's a built-in waiting mechanism to allow enough time for the Exchange-services to shutdown. Unfortunately this delay is usually a whole lot longer than it normally would take if you were to stop the Exchange-services yourself. Because the delay does no longer occur when the Exchange-services are already stopped manually, I usually tend to stop Exchange first, then do the shutdown/restart.

Because Exchange consists of many services, at work, we wrote some helper scripts to stop all Exchange-services with only a mouse click, allowing for a quicker shutdown/restart of a server. I've decided to share thes  ...
edited by on December 10th 2012, at 13:19

It's very easy to stop the currently running backup of Windows Server Backup. Run this at a command prompt:

wbadmin stop job

You can add -quiet to disable the prompt.

edited by on June 20th 2012, at 12:49
Unlike SP2, there's no installation tool for installing SP3 on an SBS 2008. Fortunately, the installation is pretty straight-forward. The steps to perform depend largely on whether or not your SBS 2008 server is running Forefront Security or not. If it's not, simply install SP3 like you normally would. The installation will succeed without additional tasks. If you are running Forefront Security, you will have to disable it before installing SP3, then re-enable it when installation has completed.

Download SP3:

Run the software, it will extract its contents to a directory of your choosing. I recommend creating an empty directory as the  ...
edited by on May 24th 2012, at 16:29
Every two years, the self-signed SSL certificate expires, and has to be renewed in order to ensure your users can continue to connect to the server. This renewal is not difficult, and can be done in a few steps.

Go to the Windows SBS console, navigate to Network, then Connectivity

Click on the certificate icon, and choose view certificate properties to check the expiration dates. If it is expired, continue with the next step.

In Connectivity Tasks, choose to Set up your internet address, and follow the steps. At some point you'll need to enter your domain name (which should be set to the current). If required, adjust your prefix (by default: remote) Upon finishing the wizard, a new self-s  ...
edited by on November 4th 2011, at 14:06
In SBS2008 and 2011, there's a wizard allowing you to move the WSUS repository to another partition/disk. However, it does not move the state database, which, over time, can grow a bit large. Luckily, one could manually move the database by stopping WSUS, detaching the database, move the files, reattaching it, and finally, starting WSUS again.

First of, stop the required services (WSUS and IIS Admin Service)

net stop "update services"net stop w3svc

Next, detach the database:

sqlcmd -E -S np:\\.\pipe\MSSQL$MICROSOFT##SSEE\sql\query -Q "sp_detach_db 'SUSDB'"

Move the SUSDB.mdf and SUSDB_log.ldf to their new location. Then, reattach the database:

sqlcmd -E -S np:\\.\pi  ...
edited by on October 3rd 2011, at 12:01
When adding additional backup disks to your Windows SBS 2011 server backup, you may get an error stating:

The filename, directory name, or volume label is incorrect.

The problem occurs with the SBS console and when running the Server Backup snap-in.

You can work around this issue by manually adding the backup disks via the wbadmin command line tool.

Connect the disk you wish to add to the system. Open up a command prompt.

Fetch a list of available backup targets by running:wbadmin get disks

You need the DiskID displayed of your backup disk.

Add the disk to the backup pool by running:WBADMIN ENABLE BACKUP -addtarget:"{DiskID}"

Replace the DiskID with the one you have,   ...
edited by on April 14th 2010, at 20:54

To change the maximum message size in SBS 2008's POP3 Connector, it is not enough to change the Exchange maximum send and receive limits. The POP3 Connector's limit is specified through the SBS Fax Sharepoint Receive. Setting the receive size of that specific connector will set the POP3 Connector's maximum allowed message size.

edited by on December 20th 2009, at 20:54
When you have a working SBS 2008 server, and don't know the password to get into Directory Services Restore Mode, you might want to reset it to something you do know.
You will need this when for instance, the AD gets screwed up, or, in case of SBS, you get locked out (even though you're an Administrator).

Related posts

The Horror of SBS 2008: part 1

Resetting domain password on a SBS 2008

With the installation of the SBS, the DSRM password will be the same as the password you enter for the Administrator account. So, if the password hasn't changed, or you still remember it, try that one first.

You can change the DSRM password by using ntdsutil.

Open up a command prompt, and start ntdsut  ...
edited by on December 17th 2009, at 22:40
If you ever happen to get locked out of a SBS 2008 system, with no way to get back in as Administrator (it's easier than you might think), use the instructions in this blog should get you back up and running.
Note that you will have to have physical access to the server, or else it will be very challenging to solve the problem.
The content of this has been tested for real on an SBS 2008 which had this problem. Check out the bottom of the page for the sources I used to compile this post.

For a background story, read this post.

In order to get in the server, we need some way of an account and password. As the SBS is a domain controller, you can't simply use the local Administrator account...  ...
edited by on December 17th 2009, at 22:39
Microsoft has invented Windows Small Business Server for small to medium businesses. This, in itself, is not a bad idea. It allows small businesses to enjoy the capabilities and functions of a Windows Server with Exchange and more, for a fraction of the price it would be when buying standard editions of the components.

Unfortunately, Microsoft's idea is that small businesses probably don't have IT outsourcing, so they wizard everything up, and basically add a whole bunch of constraints and this-is-how-you-should-do-it's. Although Microsoft isn't all that wrong about this policy, they forgot about the number one rule: less is more.

With SBS 2003, there were already quite a few specially cra  ...
showing posts tagged with 'sbs'
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