showing posts tagged with 'terminalserver'
edited by on January 29th 2014, at 08:57
Users of Microsoft Office 2013 32-bit may experience the following behaviour on a 2008R2, 2012 or 2012R2 RDS server: each time a user starts Outlook 2013, a window is briefly shown with the message:

MessageConfiguring Microsoft Office 64-bit Components 2013

The message appears for restricted users and administrators alike, but there's no apparent effect that Outlook is impaired in functionality.

To resolve the matter, you need to install the Windows Search Service role (found under File Services; PS: Search-Service). As soon as this role is installed and its services running, the message will no longer appear. A reboot is not required.

The components it configures are necessary to link t  ...
edited by on January 8th 2014, at 12:13
Remote Desktop Services shadowing is back with 2012 R2 after a leave of absence in regular 2012. However, for this to work out of the box, you need to have the scenario-based RDS deployment, which installs a whole bunch of stuff even when unwanted.

If you've opted for the roles-based installation of RDS Session Host (which is what makes your server into an RDS server), you're missing out on a whole lot of management tools, including the ability to shadow. Luckily, there are a few workarounds (using CLI) which provides us with the necessary things to perform shadowing.

Shadowing requires version 8.1 of the RDS client, so if you're not running Windows 8.1 or 2012 R2 on which you want to do t  ...
edited by on January 8th 2014, at 11:55

When performing RDS shadowing, by default, the user whose session is being shadowed has to consent to viewing and/or controlling his/her session. This behaviour can be changed with a group policy.

In your group policy (local or through domain), navigate to:

Computer Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Remote Desktop Services\Remote Desktop Session Host\Connections

Find the policy called Set rules for remote control of Remote Desktop Services user sessions and configure it:

edited by on January 8th 2014, at 11:42

By default, only users with local admin rights on an RDS server can do session shadowing on that server.

To allow a particular user or group to allow shadowing, run this from a command prompt on the RDS server:

wmic /namespace:\\root\CIMV2\TerminalServices PATH Win32_TSPermissionsSetting WHERE (TerminalName="RDP-Tcp") CALL AddAccount "domain\group",2

In the command, replace domain\group with settings of your own. It's recommended to create a group specific for the job (e.g. RDS Shadowing) so you can run this command only once, and then add users to the group to allow them to shadow.

edited by on April 10th 2013, at 15:51
A very quick install guide to installing the 2X Application Server.

Install RDS roles and set up RDS licensing on your server (i.e. you need a working RDS/TS set up on your server).

Download and install the 2X Application Server.

Publish your applications.

Starting from 2008, configure the firewall so connections to port 80/tcp are accepted.

The same pointers to installing the 2X Cloud Portal. I assume 2X Application Server is already installed.

Install the following roles:IIS and dependencies

Application Development → ASP, ASP.NET 3.5 ASP.NET 4.5

IIS Management Scripts & Tools

Download and install the 2x Cloud Portal. Select the right

Disable caching in IIS: in IIS Man  ...
edited by on November 28th 2012, at 13:02

An Asterisk TAPI driver, which is actually usable on Terminal Server:

It's not freeware, but is absolutely affordable, and is usable on Terminal Server (multi-user profiles).

edited by on September 19th 2012, at 12:48
When running some RemoteApp, published from a Windows 2008R2, you may sometimes experience that the application does not start properly. In the startup window, when clicking on the Details button, you see a black window and no contents at all. The problem mainly occurs when working via internet, via a wireless network, or some other slower-than-normal link. Additionally, when your session is logged off on the RDS server, you will be able to start the RemoteApp once; subsequently restarting the application results in the above specified behaviour.

The issue is caused by the Remote Desktop Session Host display driver on the RDS server. During the initial connection, the monitor layout packe  ...
edited by on July 2nd 2012, at 18:02

When running a Windows 2008 (R1) Terminal Services, and you connect with a RDP 7.1 client and try to shadow another session, it may happen that both clients get disconnected.

KB2523307 tells us that this is caused by RemoteFX being active when a new client is used.

A hotfix is available to address the issue, and can be requested via the KB.

EDIT: for your convenience, I've attached the hotfix (English only!), at least until Microsoft requests its removal...

edited by on July 2nd 2012, at 17:19
This article is a reference to a number of articles and links to provide information about how to succesfully lock down your Remote Desktop Server (2008R2) or Terminal Server (2003 / 2008). It is not a definite guide to how to perform a lock down, but will provide certain pointers, and highlight certain pitfalls. It is a work-in-progress and several additions will be made as the guide progresses.

You obviously need a Windows-domain running AD for lockdown to work properly. A standalone server running a local group policy can't be locked down enough to be useful. A domain is highly recommended.

Your DC or a member server (can be the RDS / TS as well) should have the Group Policy Mana  ...
edited by on July 2nd 2012, at 17:18
To always show the Computer icon on the desktop via GPO, there are several things to be set. Aside of the obvious setting in GPO, you also have to add a registry entry through GPP to automatically show the Computer icon on desktop.

In User Configuration, Preferences, Windows Settings, Registry, add a new entry. Whether you want to enforce or not, is up to you. Either choose create (only applied once), or Replace (always apply).

The value is a DWORD value in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\HideDesktopIcons\NewStartPanel, named {20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}. This is the CLSID for the Computer icon. Set it to 0 to have the icon shown on user's des  ...
edited by on September 8th 2011, at 14:03

If you're planning on running WordPerfect 9 on a Terminal Server, be sure to provide full access for your users on the registry key HKLM\Software\COREL (64-bit: HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\COREL).

This fixes the Cannot initialize error when starting WP as a regular user.

edited by on May 6th 2011, at 15:17
Had a problem with a client who is running Outlook 2007 with Exchange 2010 on a 2008R2 terminal server: each message sent from Outlook (composed by Outlook) had a blank message body. The recipient side would see it like this, and the empty message would be stored in the Sent Items folder of Outlook. This behaviour was system-wide, meaning that each user was experiencing this problem.

After some digging around, I found this link on the internet stating it could be related to the virus scanner. My eye was particularly caught by a post of someone who was running Avast 4.8 on TS (which was identical to what the client was running). After disabling scan outbound mail the problem was fixed.

I   ...
edited by on May 31st 2010, at 10:51
Printers that use ports that do not begin with COM, LPT or USB are not redirected in a remote desktop or terminal services session. To force all ports to be redirected, the filtering type has to be changed. This is done in the registry.

Do a Start, Run, type in regedit and press Enter. This starts the Registry Editor.

Navigate to the key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Default\AddIns\RDPDR.

Right-click in the right pane, choose New, then DWORD value.

Name the value FilterQueueType, press Enter.

Double-click the newly created entry, and set the value to FFFFFFFF, click OK.

Restart the client, log in to your session, and all ports should be r  ...
edited by on February 3rd 2010, at 11:10
When installing the Terminal Services role on a 2008 member server in a SBS 2008 domain, you may run into the following error:

Attempt to configure Terminal Server failed with the error code 0x8004005.
Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component.

The problem surfaces when the 2008 member server was added to the domain, it was misplaced in the SBSComputers OU, rather than the SBSServers OU. As a result, a certain client group policy, which is linked with the SBSComputers OU, interferes with the installation of Terminal Services.

To solve this problem, follow these steps:

Uninstall the Terminal Services role (entirely, including all sub roles).

In Active Di  ...
edited by on September 24th 2009, at 18:02

Found this article, showing you how to lock down Firefox.

This is quite useful when deploying Firefox on, for instance, a Terminal Server.

edited by on September 18th 2008, at 16:35
When you're using a Belgian keyboard (or another) on a Windows 2003 Terminal Server, you might have the same problem we had: characters that are formed with a combination of AltGr and other characters (e.g. the @ sign) don't work as they should.

There are two things you can do to work around this problem.

Instead of using AltGr, try using CTRL+ALT and the key you want. This circumvents the problem, but may not be what you want.

You can change the application of Windows key combinations. Rather than applying them to the TS, you can change it so it applies only to the local computer.
This disables the Alt+Tab and Windows key in the TS session, which is probably also not really what you want  ...
edited by on November 11th 2007, at 20:24
A Terminal Server can be put in two modes:

execute mode: this is the default mode. In this mode, users can log in the TS and run applications.

install mode: putting a server in this mode will notify the TS of changes in the system when installing software. This is important, because otherwise software would fail to properly get installed, and there would be all kinds of ugliness going on.

In Windows 2003, a server should automatically be put in to install mode if your installation software has setup, or install in their file name. In Windows 2000, you have to put the server in the correct mode, by installing software using Add/remove programs in the Windows control panel. Note that in Win  ...
edited by on November 11th 2007, at 19:46
When running Photoshop CS2 on a Windows 2003 with Terminal Server, regular users cannot start Photoshop CS2. If they try, the following error is displayed:

An error has been detected with a required application library and the product cannot continue. Please reinstall the application

However, when running with Administrator privileges, there is no problem.

CS2 requires the SeCreateGlobalPrivilege privilege. By default, regular domain users don't have this privilege, and thus, CS2 doesn't work.

Assign the required privilege to the users. Normally, assigning this privilege to trusted users should not give any security problems. I do suggest creating a new security group and assign th  ...
showing posts tagged with 'terminalserver'
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