showing posts tagged with 'rds'
edited by on October 29th 2020, at 09:19
When installing the Remote Desktop Session Host role on a Windows Server, you get a 120 days grace period where you do not need to specify a license server and/or have licenses installed. After the grace period, it is no longer possible to log in with even a single session through RDP, unless you use the admin console (/admin option). Luckily, you can reset this counter by getting rid of a specific key which gets created at the start of the grace period, effectively resetting the grace period counter. This can even be done if the grace period isn't completely over.

Log in directly on the server (or use the /admin option) and fire up regedit.

Navigate to the key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE:\SYSTEM\  ...
edited by on April 20th 2020, at 09:50
When attempting to add new Remote Desktop Session Hosts (RDSH) to a session host collection, you may run into the following error message:

Unable to retrieve the session collection properties

This error can possibly be accompanied by additional messages.

When checking the logs, you apparently cannot find anything wrong with the collections: they show up correctly in Server Manager and users can still log on to the collection using existing servers.

Sometimes it can happen that the security descriptors of one of the collections get corrupted, in which case it is not possible to add a new session host, whether it's through Server Manager or through Powershell.

The problematic collec  ...
edited by on June 6th 2016, at 16:24
While not recommended, it is possible to use one RDS gateway for multiple RDS farms, each with their own broker. In this case, the RDG must use the same FQDN in all deployments, and you should only make changes to its configuration from only one of the deployments.

In 2012, it is not possible to use one RDS WebAccess to service multiple brokers. It can only be used on a single deployment. Attempting to add the WebAccess server to another deployment will overwrite the configuration of the first deployment.

A better approach would be to create a single deployment with an RDS WebAccess, RDG and broker (single or HA), and add your "different deployments" as collections to the broker.  ...
edited by on March 14th 2016, at 09:51

It is currently not possible to directly map a drive letter to a redirected folder when connecting to a server using Microsoft RDP. Most programs do not require a drive letter but in case you do need a "local path", you can create a symlink in order to achieve this.

MKLINK /D C:\MyFolder \\tsclient\MyFolder

This will create a "symlinked" folder on your C-drive, which you can then use to work with files and folders of the redirected folder. The symlink is persistent across reboots.

edited by on February 11th 2016, at 12:42
Windows XP SP3 and the latest supported Remote Desktop client update should support Network Level Authentication (NLA). But, when connecting to an RDS server with NLA enabled, you may still get the following error:

Remote Desktop Connection
The remote computer requires Network Level Authentication, which your computer does not support. For assistance, contact your system administrator or technical support.

NLA support requires the following on your computer:

Windows XP Service Pack 3

The latest version of the RDC: Remote Desktop client v7.0, although the 6.1 update will also work.

The component which takes care of NLA, called Credential Security Support Provider (CredSSP) is not enabled  ...
edited by on February 2nd 2016, at 16:39
When attempting to enable User Profile Disks on a RDS Session Collection with the VHD files stored on a remote server, you may get the following error:

Unable to create virtual disk template error -800391163

This error can occur if the activation process is not able to set the required security permissions on the folder.

The handling of UPDs is done by the RDS server itself, and therefore, the computer account needs to have full access permissions on the folder where the VHD files are stored. When enabling UPD, Server Manager will automatically attempt to set up the necessary permissions. When this fails, the above error is displayed.

One such scenario can occur if the shared folde  ...
edited by on January 29th 2016, at 10:24
When a new user logs on to a computer and they start Adobe Acrobat Standard/Pro for the first time, they will be prompted with a registration window. This may not be something you want for your users, especially not on RDS. Up until version 9, this prompt could be turned off through a registry setting, but this no longer works.

You can however also turn off the registration window through another way, during installation. Unfortunately, this requires you to uninstall and reinstall the software but the result does work perfectly.

If Acrobat is already installed, uninstall it first.

Open a command prompt and navigate to the installation media (or folder).

Perform the installation by using   ...
edited by on January 28th 2016, at 14:30
By default, in 2012(R2), it is not possible to use the same RDS Host Server to publish both RemoteApps and full remote desktops. This is because a RDS server can only be part of one and only one Session Collection, and a Session Collection can only either publish remote desktops or RemoteApps.

But there is an "unofficial and very unsupported" workaround which allows you to publish the full desktop in addition to the RemoteApps from the same Collection. This can be achieved by manually toggle publishing through the registry on the server running the RD Broker/Gateway.

Using regedit, navigate to the key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Terminal Serve  ...
edited by on February 14th 2014, at 09:54

If you're running Internet Explorer 10 or later, you may get this error when trying to log on to a computer using RDP through Remote Web Workplace:

You can resolve the issue by adding RWW to the Compatibility View list in Internet Explorer.

edited by on February 14th 2014, at 09:31

You can add RDS servers to the list of computers in Remote Web Workplace, making them available to anyone with access to RWW. The process is simple, requires no reboot and is immediately active.

  1. Fire up regedit.
  2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Microsoft\SmallBusinessServer.
  3. Add a new key called RemoteUserPortal.
  4. Under the new key, create a MultiString value called TsServerNames. Edit the value and insert the name (FQDN or NBN) of your RDS server. If you have more than one, add them on separate lines.

Note that this will only work if your RDS server is inside the SBSServers OU or a sub-OU (i.e. you're allowed to create other OU's inside the SBSServers OU).

edited by on January 29th 2014, at 08:57
Users of Microsoft Office 2013 32-bit may experience the following behaviour on a 2008R2, 2012 or 2012R2 RDS server: each time a user starts Outlook 2013, a window is briefly shown with the message:

MessageConfiguring Microsoft Office 64-bit Components 2013

The message appears for restricted users and administrators alike, but there's no apparent effect that Outlook is impaired in functionality.

To resolve the matter, you need to install the Windows Search Service role (found under File Services; PS: Search-Service). As soon as this role is installed and its services running, the message will no longer appear. A reboot is not required.

The components it configures are necessary to link t  ...
edited by on January 8th 2014, at 12:13
Remote Desktop Services shadowing is back with 2012 R2 after a leave of absence in regular 2012. However, for this to work out of the box, you need to have the scenario-based RDS deployment, which installs a whole bunch of stuff even when unwanted.

If you've opted for the roles-based installation of RDS Session Host (which is what makes your server into an RDS server), you're missing out on a whole lot of management tools, including the ability to shadow. Luckily, there are a few workarounds (using CLI) which provides us with the necessary things to perform shadowing.

Shadowing requires version 8.1 of the RDS client, so if you're not running Windows 8.1 or 2012 R2 on which you want to do t  ...
edited by on January 8th 2014, at 11:55

When performing RDS shadowing, by default, the user whose session is being shadowed has to consent to viewing and/or controlling his/her session. This behaviour can be changed with a group policy.

In your group policy (local or through domain), navigate to:

Computer Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Remote Desktop Services\Remote Desktop Session Host\Connections

Find the policy called Set rules for remote control of Remote Desktop Services user sessions and configure it:

edited by on January 8th 2014, at 11:42

By default, only users with local admin rights on an RDS server can do session shadowing on that server.

To allow a particular user or group to allow shadowing, run this from a command prompt on the RDS server:

wmic /namespace:\\root\CIMV2\TerminalServices PATH Win32_TSPermissionsSetting WHERE (TerminalName="RDP-Tcp") CALL AddAccount "domain\group",2

In the command, replace domain\group with settings of your own. It's recommended to create a group specific for the job (e.g. RDS Shadowing) so you can run this command only once, and then add users to the group to allow them to shadow.

edited by on April 10th 2013, at 15:51
A very quick install guide to installing the 2X Application Server.

Install RDS roles and set up RDS licensing on your server (i.e. you need a working RDS/TS set up on your server).

Download and install the 2X Application Server.

Publish your applications.

Starting from 2008, configure the firewall so connections to port 80/tcp are accepted.

The same pointers to installing the 2X Cloud Portal. I assume 2X Application Server is already installed.

Install the following roles:IIS and dependencies

Application Development → ASP, ASP.NET 3.5 ASP.NET 4.5

IIS Management Scripts & Tools

Download and install the 2x Cloud Portal. Select the right

Disable caching in IIS: in IIS Man  ...
edited by on November 28th 2012, at 13:02

An Asterisk TAPI driver, which is actually usable on Terminal Server:

It's not freeware, but is absolutely affordable, and is usable on Terminal Server (multi-user profiles).

edited by on September 19th 2012, at 12:48
When running some RemoteApp, published from a Windows 2008R2, you may sometimes experience that the application does not start properly. In the startup window, when clicking on the Details button, you see a black window and no contents at all. The problem mainly occurs when working via internet, via a wireless network, or some other slower-than-normal link. Additionally, when your session is logged off on the RDS server, you will be able to start the RemoteApp once; subsequently restarting the application results in the above specified behaviour.

The issue is caused by the Remote Desktop Session Host display driver on the RDS server. During the initial connection, the monitor layout packe  ...
edited by on July 2nd 2012, at 18:02

When running a Windows 2008 (R1) Terminal Services, and you connect with a RDP 7.1 client and try to shadow another session, it may happen that both clients get disconnected.

KB2523307 tells us that this is caused by RemoteFX being active when a new client is used.

A hotfix is available to address the issue, and can be requested via the KB.

EDIT: for your convenience, I've attached the hotfix (English only!), at least until Microsoft requests its removal...

edited by on July 2nd 2012, at 17:19
This article is a reference to a number of articles and links to provide information about how to succesfully lock down your Remote Desktop Server (2008R2) or Terminal Server (2003 / 2008). It is not a definite guide to how to perform a lock down, but will provide certain pointers, and highlight certain pitfalls. It is a work-in-progress and several additions will be made as the guide progresses.

You obviously need a Windows-domain running AD for lockdown to work properly. A standalone server running a local group policy can't be locked down enough to be useful. A domain is highly recommended.

Your DC or a member server (can be the RDS / TS as well) should have the Group Policy Mana  ...
edited by on July 2nd 2012, at 17:18
To always show the Computer icon on the desktop via GPO, there are several things to be set. Aside of the obvious setting in GPO, you also have to add a registry entry through GPP to automatically show the Computer icon on desktop.

In User Configuration, Preferences, Windows Settings, Registry, add a new entry. Whether you want to enforce or not, is up to you. Either choose create (only applied once), or Replace (always apply).

The value is a DWORD value in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\HideDesktopIcons\NewStartPanel, named {20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}. This is the CLSID for the Computer icon. Set it to 0 to have the icon shown on user's des  ...
showing posts tagged with 'rds'
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