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posted on September 15th 2017, at 11:52
by lunarg
Firefox 52 introduced an insecure form warning: whenever a password is requested on a web form through a non-SSL website (i.e. no "https"), Firefox displays a warning popup below the focused field:

While the gesture is appreciated (user awareness and all), it can become annoying. There is a way to turn the warning off through the advanced configuration of Firefox:

Start up Firefox and enter the following URL in the address bar: about:config

You'll get a This might void your warranty! page. Click the I accept the risk! button to continue.

You'll get a list of everything there is to configure in Firefox. In the search bar, paste the following value to quickly locate the correct p  ...

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« March 2025»
« You only find out who is swimming naked when the tide goes out. »
Warren Buffett