by lunarg on December 15th 2015, at 15:21

Quest Rapid Recovery has a module for Powershell which allows manipulation of Rapid Recovery through several cmdlets. This comes in handy if you want to do some automation, and more importantly, it's a lot faster than the web interface.

To load the AppAssure module for PowerShell:

Import-Module appassurepowershellmodule

Then, to get a list of all available cmdlets for AppAssure, run:

Get-Command -Module appassurepowershellmodule

Some useful commands

The majority of core and agent functions are available through PS. There are quite a few, and it would go beyond the scope of the article to explain them all. You can get (limited) help by prepending a cmdlet with the keyword help.

Suspend all backups for all machines:

Suspend-Snapshot -all

This is handy for running maintenance and you don't want backups getting in the way.

You can resume the backups for all machines by running:

Resume-Snapshot -all

Get a list of active jobs, along with a progress indicator per job (in GB):

Get-ActiveJobs -all | FT Summary,Status,@{n='Progress';e={[int]($_.Progress/1GB)}},@{n='TotalWork';e={[int]($_.TotalWork/1GB)}} -Auto

This is probably faster than through the web interface if you're on a heavy-loaded server and want to follow up on a (long-)running job.

Pause outgoing replication to a server called CORE02:

Suspend-Replication -outgoing CORE02

To resume the replication:

Resume-Replication -outgoing CORE02

You can also pause/resume all replications (both directions):

Suspend-Replication -all
Resume-Replication -all

TODO: I will add more examples as I gather them myself.

« January 2025»
« You only find out who is swimming naked when the tide goes out. »
Warren Buffett