by lunarg on November 14th 2019, at 15:38

Barracuda NextGen firewalls are managed either by webinterface or by using the FirewallAdmin (used to be: NGAdmin) management application. This is a standalone application consisting of a single executable which can be downloaded and run (like a portable app). The software does not need any installation but if you're using the software in a shared environment (such as a Terminal Server), it may be useful to "install" the software in a central location and create shortcuts to it, like if you were to install the software. By using NullSoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS), you can create an installer that does just that.

Prebuild installer

Because of copy- and redistribution rights, a prebuild installer is not available here, but continue reading for instructions on how to build the installer yourself.

Building the installer

Follow the instructions below to build the installer yourself. When complete, you will have a single executable file (called FirewallAdmin-setup.exe) containing the Barracuda FirewallAdmin application, shortcuts in the start menu (and/or optionally on the desktop), and full uninstallation support through Windows Control Panel.

  1. Download and install NSIS.
    I recommend using version 3.x, and perform a full installation to ensure all required files and plugins are present. My script uses several plugins and graphics resources that are only present with a full install, and I'm not certain they are present on NSIS v2.x.
  2. Download the correct version of FirewallAdmin. The NSIS-script was designed for version 8.0.1-225. If you need to use another version, adjust the script accordingly.
  3. Download the file from this article: FirewallAdmin.nsi
    Place them in the same folder as where you put the executable from the previous step.

You should now have 2 files in place in the same folder: FirewallAdmin_8.0.1-225.exe and FirewallAdmin.nsi.

  1. In Windows Explorer, right-click FirewallAdmin.nsi. If NSIS was properly installed, you should now see two additional items in the popup menu:
    Compile NSIS Script
    Compile NSIS Script (Choose Compressor)
    Clicking Compile NSIS Script will start up the compiler and create the installer file.
  2. If the compile went well, a new file will appear in the folder, called FirewallAdmin-setup.exe. This is the installer, which you can now use to install FirewallAdmin.


This NSIS-script is only published for convenience and does not change any licensing terms stated in the original EULA of the Barracuda FirewallAdmin application.

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