by lunarg on May 2nd 2018, at 15:43

After performing actions which causes the SID to change (such as sysprep or a DC promote/demote), when opening an existing task in the task scheduler, you may encounter the following error:

Task Scheduler
General page initialization failed.
The specific error is:
"0x8007000d: The data is invalid." An error has occurred attempting to retrieve task account information.
You may continue editing the task object, but will be unable to change task account information.

As a result, it is also not possible to view or change the account information for the selected task.


To work around the issue, remove a saved RSA key, which has been invalidated with the change:

  1. Stop the Task Scheduler service.
  2. Navigate to the folder C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\S-1-5-18
    Locate and delete the hidden/system file starting with d42cc0c3858.... You may have to remove the system/hidden attributes before you can delete the file.
  3. After removing the RSA key, start the Task Scheduler service again.

Upon removing the invalidated RSA keys, a new key will be created. Although you will now be able to edit the tasks again, you will probably have to re-enter the password for each of the tasks before they will properly run.

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« You only find out who is swimming naked when the tide goes out. »
Warren Buffett