by lunarg on April 21st 2016, at 16:43

During the installation of ADMT PES (Password Export Server), the installer reports the encryption key password is wrong, even though you're absolutely sure it's the correct password. Although KB2004090 states this is for 3.1, the problem also exists on 3.2.

The reason for this is that the MSI installer does not elevate the session. If you are not logged on with the Administrator-account, the elevation does not occur automatically and the error mentioned above will appear, without any mention of elevation requirements.

To work around the issue, you can follow the steps below. This will ensure the MSI installer runs in an elevated session and the installation will continue as normal. Alternatively, turn off UAC, or use the "Administrator"-account (the domain admin, as PES has to be installed on a writable DC) to log onto the server and perform the installation.

  1. Open an elevated command prompt (right-click start button, then click Command Prompt (Admin) in the menu.
  2. Navigate to the folder where the PES installer is, then run it to start the installation:
    C:\tmp>"en-US pwdmig.msi"
  3. Continue with the installation. When you type in the correct encryption key password, it should now accept it and continue with the installation.

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