by lunarg on September 2nd 2011, at 12:49

If you are not able to configure Outlook using the Microsoft Online Sign-in Tool for some reason, there's a way to do it manually.

For this to work, you need the following:

  • a working internet connection (duh);
  • your username and password;
  • your storage location (usually closest to your HQ).

First off, we need the mailbox store server. To find this, you have to log in to Outlook Web Access. Your ICT department should already have given you information on how to do this. If not, use one of the following urls, depending on your location:

Use your e-mail address and password to log on.

Once you're in, click Options in the top-right corner of the page, then from the list on the left, select About. You'll then get all sorts of information.

The field we need is Mailbox Server Name: note it down somewhere or copy/paste it to a notepad.

Next, open up Outlook and add a new Exchange e-mail account. Fill in the two fields you see:

  • Server: should contain the Mailbox Server Name you noted down earlier;
  • User Name: will be your e-mail address (the same you used to log on to OWA).

Before clicking on Check Name, click on More Settings first. Navigate to the Connection tab. Enable the checkbox saying Connect to Microsoft Exchange using HTTP, then click on Exchange Proxy Settings.

Fill in the connection settings:

  • The URL should be one of the following, depending on your location:
    • Asia Pacific (APAC):
    • Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA):
    • North America:
    Note that this is the same as the Mobile Device URL.
  • Check all boxes and fill in the principal name as well: msstd:*
    You have to adjust this principal name as well, depending on your location (leave out emea, or replace it with apac).

Press OK twice until you are in the first window and click on Check Name. The server and user name should become underlined.

And that's it. (Re)Start Outlook and wait for the initial sync.

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