by lunarg on May 8th 2015, at 14:29

The Trend Micro OfficeScan client can be installed on a workstation via the network (using an UNC-path) through the AutoPCC utility. The client can simply browse the OfficeScan server, locate the autopcc.exe utility, and run it, performing an installation of the OfficeScan client on the computer running the utility. By default, the installation of the client is not silent, meaning the user will see windows and dialogs appearing. Fortunately, it is possible to make AutoPCC to perform the installation completely silently, leaving the user almost unaware that an installation of OfficeScan is occurring.

  1. To change this setting, log on to the OfficeScan server, and browse to the OfficeScan install directory (wherever you've installed it). This usually corresponds with wherever the share \\server\ofcscan is pointing to (by default: %PROGRAMFILES%\Trend Micro\OfficeScan\PCCSRV).
  2. In that folder, browse the Autopcc.cfg folder, and open the file AutoPCC.INI with Notepad.
  3. Locate the [Install] section and make the following changes:
  4. [Install]
  5. Save and close the file. Perform the installation on the client using the AutoPCC utility. A command prompt will appear during the installation and will automatically disappear once the installation has been completed.

You can verify a succesful silent client installation by checking the following:

  • The process TmListen.exe is running (check Windows Task Manager).
  • Shortcut on the start menu and an icon in the system tray would be present.
  • The OfficeScan client folder will be present (in %PROGRAMFILES% or %PROGRAMFILESX86%).
  • A "computer restart required" notification may appear.

Silent uninstallation

A silent uninstallation using the AutoPCC can also be achieved using the above methods, but require two different parameters to be changed in the AutoPCC.INI file:

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Warren Buffett