by lunarg on September 26th 2019, at 12:11

Check_MK, standalone or as part of OMD (The Open Monitoring Distribution), has built-in support for monitoring AeroHive wireless infrastructure through a Hive Manager. It uses the on-premise Hive Manager in order to collect information from devices registered to the Hive Manager.

Note for HMOL users
Because the agent uses the Hive Manager API, HMOL environments are not supported, as they do not allow the HM API to be enabled.

Step 1: enable HM API

By default, HM API is turned off. Log on to the Hive Manager using an admin account. Go to:

Home → Administration → HiveManager Settings

Scroll down to API Authorization Settings, then click Settings.

Check Enable API Access, and type in a username, and tick Change Password, and type in a password. When done, click the Save (floppy) icon.

Step 2 (when using self-signed certificates): tweak the agent to ignore SSL certificate errors

Since Python 2.7.9, the module urllib2 does strict SSL certificate checking. For most on-premise setups which use self-signed certificates, this will be a problem. Luckily, you can manually "patch" the agent (which is a Python-script) to ignore self-signed certificates, or use the scripts attached to this post, which are already edited so they disable strict SSL certificate checking. For Check_MK version 1.5.0, an additional flag has been added to hide the "insecure request" warning.

On the OMD server, navigate to the folder (replacing your-site-name with the name of your OMD site):

Depending on the version, replace the file agent_hivemanager with one of the files attached to this post:

  • For Check_MK and OMD versions before 1.5.0 (so 1.4.0 or older): use agent_hivemanager.pre150.
  • For Check_MK versions 1.5.0 and newer, use agent_hivemanager.

Step 3: add the Hive Manager to Check_MK (OMD) and mark it as a Hive Manager

When adding the Hive Manager using WATO, Check_MK will automatically check that it's a Hive Manager. You need to create a rule for that.

First, add the Hive Manager as a new host. The agent type must be set to Check_MK_Agent (Server), even though there's no agent installed.

While still in the configuration of the host, click through to Parameters, scroll down to Datasource Programs, and click on Aerohive Hive Manager to create a rule. Create one specific for the host you just added, and type in the API credentials you set up in step 1, not the Hive Manager regular login.

Save the rule, and activate the changes.

Then, still in WATO, go to the host's services, and perform a re-discover of services. With the datasource rule in place, Check_MK will now use the HiveManager agent and connect to the Hive Manager API and collect data about the devices registered in the HiveManager. Click Activate Missing, then activate the changes again.

Go to the Services view of the Hive Manager, and either wait for Check_MK to perform a check, or trigger a manual check. You should now see a list of all the devices registered with the Hive Manager along with a status of those devices.

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