showing posts tagged with 'backup'
edited by on October 27th 2016, at 11:34

If you encounter the following error message while trying to backup the internal database (IDB):

Putting the Internal Database into the backup mode failed.

The reason might be due to the backup being initiated by the Inet process which may run as a certain user account that has not been added to the impersonation of the cell manager.

To resolve, follow these steps:

  1. Start the DP GUI. Choose "Clients"
  2. Right-click the cell manager, delete the existing impersonation.
  3. Add a new impersonation and enter the correct credentials (usually the service account).
edited by on August 12th 2015, at 09:22

Backups with HP Data Protector may fail with the following error:

REQUEST SENSE call failed. Possible cleanme signal detection failure

First, attempt to perform a manual clean of the drive, then try re-running the backup. If it fails again, power-cycle/reboot the drive/library.

If the error still persists, start HP Library and Tape Tools and run a drive assessment. You'll need to load a tape into the drive first. If the test fails (i.e. it returns an error code, such as internal error), call HP for support.

edited by on January 27th 2015, at 12:56
You may get an error during the upgrade of Veeam Backup & Recovery to version 8, stating that the vPower NFS service is unable to start. Alternatively, when updating the individual components, you may also get a similar error (such as: "Error 1920.Service Veeam vPower NFS Service (VeeamNFSSvc) failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services.").

There are several reasons possible for this, but the most likely one is a wrong NFS Datastore path specified in the registry, usually because the drive that the datastore is pointing to, is no longer present.
Another reason could be that your server has the "NFS sharing" feature installed,   ...
edited by on February 13th 2014, at 12:12
If for some mysterious, unknown reason, your backup suddenly stops working and throws VSS errors, it's usually a good idea to check the following:

If your server is an SBS 2008 or 2011, and have installed updates, you may have to reconfigure Sharepoint:
WSB fails on SBS 2011 after updating Sharepoint (0x800423f0 or 0x800423f3).

If you get errors about VSS failing to create a snapshot, and you have not changed anything on your server recently, it's a good idea to check the presence of a lot of old shadow copies, taking up space. Although old copies will be purged automatically, the VSS Writer doesn't wait around for it, and fails the backup.
So try deleting shadow copies or increase the sh  ...
edited by on November 6th 2013, at 11:23
After installing updates for Sharepoint on a SBS 2011, you may experience backup failures. The most common error is a problem with Volume Shadow Copy (error 0x800423f0 or 0x800423f3).

The error is occured because updating Sharepoint 2010 is a two-step process. Installing the updates will update the binaries, but you still manually have to update the database by running the database update command.

To determine whether you really need the update, you can run the following command from an elevated Sharepoint 2010 Management shell (available from the start menu):

PS C:> (get-spserver $env:computername).NeedsUpgradeTruePS C:>

When the result returns True, the upgrade is neede  ...
edited by on June 6th 2013, at 11:00

When a backup is still indicated to run but isn't really (e.g. after a server crash or media failure), you can try to stop the backup by running the stop command using wbadmin (from an elevated command prompt):

wbadmin stop job

However, this sometimes does not work and the command hangs indefinitely. In this case, you can still stop the backup by stopping the Block Level Backup Engine Service service. If the service does not stop, use Task Manager to kill the process wbengine.exe, which does the same thing.

edited by on March 18th 2013, at 09:28
If Windows Server backup occassionally gives you a timeout, and you get the following error:

The shared protection point operation failed with error 0x81000101.

This error is caused when the volume shadow copy is taking more than 10 minutes and is timing out. You can try to increase the timeout value to fix this issue. This is done by adding a registry key:

Fire up regedit.

Navigate to key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SPP.

Create a new DWORD value with name CreateTimeout, set its value to the number of millis.
For 20 minutes this would be decimal 12000000 (20·60·1000).

Try re-running the backup. The timeout should no longer occur.   ...
edited by on December 10th 2012, at 13:19

It's very easy to stop the currently running backup of Windows Server Backup. Run this at a command prompt:

wbadmin stop job

You can add -quiet to disable the prompt.

edited by on July 6th 2012, at 11:56
  • SQL dump of the main CRM database (MSCRM_CONFIG)
  • SQL dump of all the CRM organization databases (usually organization_MSCRM)
  • The ISV folder in INSTALL_ROOT\CRMWeb
  • The contents of INSTALL_ROOT\Server\bin\assembly
showing posts tagged with 'backup'
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