Often overlooked during the installation of a Microsoft SQL Server is the creating of the required Service Principal Name(s) (SPN) to enable authentication through Kerberos. SCOM highlights this oversight nicely with this warning:
The solution is simple: create the SPNs. All the info you need is actually in the alert's description. Use the information to create the SPNs.
Log on to a domain controller or member with domain admin rights, then run these from a command prompt:
setspn -S MSSQLSvc/CLSQL01.contoso.com:MSSQL CONTOSO\s_clsql_sqlsrv_de setspn -S MSSQLSvc/CLSQL01.contoso.com:1433 CONTOSO\s_clsql_sqlsrv_de
Replace the SPN (first parameter) and service account (second parameter) accordingly. Note that setspn -S does not exist on pre-2008R2 systems. In this case, use setspn -A.