showing posts tagged with 'scom'
edited by on September 16th 2015, at 10:16
If you want to do agentless monitoring of a Windows 2003 host, you need to configure WMI to allow remote querying.

Open Computer Management (Administrative Tools). Expand Services and Applications. Right-click WMI Control, then click Properties.

Select the Security tab, click the Root namespace, then click the Security button at the bottom.

Add the user that will need access to WMI. This is usually the service account running the System Center agent on the host that will monitor this host.When adding the account, be sure to allow for Remote Enable.

If Windows Firewall is in use, you also have to allow for remote management:

Open a command prompt.

Type the following to allow remote mana  ...
edited by on September 4th 2015, at 12:04
If your management servers have their System Center Data Access Service (SDK/DAS service) running as a domain service account, you may get the following error each time the management server(s) or SDK/DAS service is restarted, even though all SPNs are correctly registered:

Alert Description
Source: Data Access Service -
Full Path Name: SCOM01.contoso.comData Access Service -
Alert Rule: Data Access Service SPN Registration
Created: 26/08/2015 15:43:06

The System Center Data Access service failed to register an SPN. A domain admin needs to add MSOMSdkSvc/SCOM01 and MSOMSdkSvc/ to the servicePrincipalName of CN=SCOM01,OU=Users,DC=co  ...
edited by on September 4th 2015, at 11:23
You may encounter the following alert if SCOM's System Center Data Access Service is (re)started:

Alert Description
Source: Data Access Service -
Full Path Name:\Data Access Service -
Alert Rule: Data Access Service SPN Registration
Created: 26/08/2015 15:43:06

The System Center Data Access service failed to register an SPN. A domain admin needs to add MSOMSdkSvc/SCOM01 and MSOMSdkSvc/ to the servicePrincipalName of CN=S_scom_das,OU=Users,DC=contoso,DC=com

This alert is logged if the required SPNs for the SDK/DAS service (OMSDK service) are not present, and the account running the service is unable to create th  ...
edited by on September 4th 2015, at 09:25
Often overlooked during the installation of a Microsoft SQL Server is the creating of the required Service Principal Name(s) (SPN) to enable authentication through Kerberos. SCOM highlights this oversight nicely with this warning:

Alert Description
SQL Server cannot authenticate using Kerberos because the Service Principal Name (SPN) is missing, misplaced, or duplicated.
Service Account: CONTOSO\s_clsql_sqlsrv_de
Missing SPNs: MSSQLSvc/, MSSQLSvc/
Misplaced SPNs:
Duplicate SPNs:

The solution is simple: create the SPNs. All the info you need is actually in the alert's description. Use the information to create the SPNs.

Log on to a domain   ...
edited by on September 3rd 2015, at 14:08
The internal health monitoring system may report Unhealthy, and an error similar to the following is reported by SCOM:

Alert: {2} Resolution state: New
Alert: {2}
Source: EXCH02 - Compliance
Last modified by: System
Last modified time: 9/3/2015 11:43:37 AM Alert description: EMSMDB.DoRpc(Logon) step of ComplianceOutlookLogonToArchiveRpcCtpProbe/EXCHDB03 has failed against proxying to Unknown for
Latency: 00:00:00.9250000
Error: Error returned in LogonCallResult. Error code = WrongServer (0x00000478)
Log: RpcProxy connectivity verification  ...
edited by on September 2nd 2015, at 16:29
If you notice that SCOM is not properly discovering services on a particular server (e.g. it does not detect the presence of Exchange), you can resolve this by clearing the cache of the agent on the server. This will trigger a new full discovery, and the agent should now be able to detect the new services:

Log on the server of which services are not discovered properly.

Stop the agent (System Center Management service): net stop HealthService

Delete the contents of the Health Service State folder, located in the installation folder of the agent.
(default location: %PROGRAMFILES%\System Center Operations Manager\Agent).

Start the agent again (System Center Management service): net start  ...
edited by on August 26th 2015, at 16:51

Your SCOM environment may produce the following alert on the RMS server:

Alert: Data Warehouse failed to request a list of management packs from SQL RS server
Source: 24c6a0cc-5f00-4a8c-9a40-fa4d4218c2e3
Path: Not Present
Last modified by: System
Last modified time: 8/26/2015 3:55:52 PM Alert description: Data Warehouse failed to request a list of management packs which contain reports deployed to SQL Reporting Services Server.
WebException: The operation has timed out

Check whether the data warehouse write user has a proxy server active. If this is the case, log in with that user on the RMS, and disable the proxy, or reconfigure it so it bypasses local addresses.

edited by on August 24th 2015, at 10:31
Installing the SCOM 2012 R2 Operations console on a management server or workstation requires the installation of quite a few dependencies. As they are not clearly listed, here's a list of them, to be downloaded and installed in order.

Vista, Server 2008 or earlier: download and install Windows Installer 4.5

From Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Feature Pack, download and install Microsoft System CLR Types for Microsoft SQL ServerĀ® 2012:SQLSysClrTypes.msi (32-bit)

SQLSysClrTypes.msi (64-bit)

Download and install Microsoft Report Viewer 2012 Runtime

With these prerequisites installed, you should now be able to install the Operations Manager console using the SCOM 2012 R2 install media. Run s  ...
edited by on August 24th 2015, at 10:29

Installing the SCOM 2012 (no R2) Operations console on a management server or workstation requires these prerequisites:

  1. Download and install Microsoft Report Viewer Redistributable 2008

After installation, re-run setup.exe from the System Center 2012 media and select to install the Operations console. The presence of required software components will be verified, but with the runtime installed, the check should pass without errors.

edited by on August 10th 2015, at 16:03
If a server that is part of a fail-over cluster and also runs SCOM 2012 agent, you may get the following alert:

Alert: Agent proxy not enabled
Last modified by: System
Last modified time: 8/10/2015 3:53:20 PM
Alert description: The agent was not able to submit data on behalf of another computer because agent proxy is not enabled. Details:Health service ( server-name ) should not generate data about this managed object ( Microsoft.Windows.Computer ).

The agent will notice the server is part of a cluster and will attempt to retrieve additional information about the cluster, which is not allowed by default.

To resolve, follow these steps:

In Operations Manager, go to Administration.

In the  ...
showing posts tagged with 'scom'
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