showing posts of December 2017
edited by on December 19th 2017, at 10:35
You can very easily update your appliance to the latest version of OpenVPN by following these instructions:

Find the download URL to download the new package. You do not have to download it, you just need the link: using your webbrowser, navigate to Software Packages, click on Ubuntu, then copy the link for the Ubuntu 14 amd/x86 64-bit package. Use that URL in the next step.

Log on to the appliance using SSH (or directly on the console), using the root account and the password (you should have this).

Download the package using wget:wget download_URL_you_copied

This will download the package and store it in the current folder on the appliance.

Install the package:dpkg -i http://swupdate.  ...
edited by on December 19th 2017, at 09:11
Currently, it's not possible to set up HTML-based auto-reply messages on shared or resource mailboxes, as you cannot directly log on to OWA to set the message. Through Powershell, you can do this quite easily.

First, create two HTML-files containing your internal and external message. You do not have to specify the <html> and <body> tags. Save these to a convenient location. Be sure to save them as regular text files, with extension .txt.

Next, log on to Exchange Online management shell.

cd to the location of the two message files, and load them to variables:

$internalmessage = Get-Content -Path internalmessage.txt

$externalmessage = Get-Content -Path externalmessage.txt  ...
edited by on December 18th 2017, at 15:45

For those looking for the default PIN for the bluetooth connection of a HP OfficeJet H470, it's 0 0 0 0.

Although it can be found in the manual somewhere, it's easily overlooked.

edited by on December 14th 2017, at 14:03

Sometimes, you need to temporarily start a service (such as SSH) to perform some maintenance task. PowerCLI can help you with this:

To start the SSH server on each host of a vCenter:

Get-VMHost | Get-VMHostService | ? {$_.Key -eq "TSM-SSH"} | Start-VMHostService

To stop the SSH server:

Get-VMHost | Get-VMHostService | ? {$_.Key -eq "TSM-SSH"} | Stop-VMHostService -Confirm:$false

As always, you can make adjustments to the oneliner to select another service to start/stop, or further limit the selection of hosts to a cluster or a group of hosts (e.g. filtered by name).

edited by on December 14th 2017, at 14:00
If you're making changes to the datastore, setting up a new cluster and have a lot of hosts, and wish to set up system logging, you can do so very quickly using PowerCLI.

First, add all the hosts to the vCenter like you normally would. Then, connect to the vCenter server and run this cmdlet:

Get-VMHost | % { $vm = $_ $vm | Get-AdvancedSetting "" | Set-AdvancedSetting -Value "True" -Confirm:$false $vm | Get-AdvancedSetting "" | Set-AdvancedSetting -Value "[DataStore01] ESXiLogs" -Confirm:$false}

The cmdlet above will set the system log location to a folder on DataStore01 and enables unique log di  ...
edited by on December 12th 2017, at 12:35
When performing large storage migrations, it may be useful to get a list of VMs and the datastore and/or folder they are located in. PowerCLI can provide this very quickly:

Get-VM | Select Name,@{N="Datastore";E={[string]::Join(',',(Get-Datastore -Id $_.DatastoreIdList | Select -ExpandProperty Name))}},@{N="Folder";E={$_.Folder.Name}}

You can further pipe this to other cmdlets (such as Where-Object to filter even more), or export it to a CSV.

You can also go into more detail and determine the location of each virtual disk (VMDK) of each VM:

Get-VM | Get-View | % { $name = $_.Name $_.Layout.Disk | % { New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Nam  ...
showing posts of December 2017
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