by lunarg on December 8th 2009, at 17:36

Welcome to the next (and hopefully final) edition of Black Manticore.

What's this site all about?

Black Manticore is basically my personal webspace. It contains my blogs, galleries and projects I wish to share with the world.
Additionally, as a ICT engineer, I often come across some things that which to have archived somewhere (problems and their solutions, nifty tips and tricks, etc.). So why not use a blog of sorts, so that this information is available for everyone.

What's new?

This is the third installment of the website, and there are some very big differences between the previous editions and this one. Those that have seen it before, will notice it's a completely different style, and content. Moreover, this one is actually completely working, unlike the previous ones. The major reason for this is that I've decided to completely change the starting point of the site: whereas prior versions were started as a base for a community-driven website, this one is made as a content-manageable website but without community-manageability in mind. As a result, it's simplified in a whole lot of ways.

  • Everything is a single post, galleries and blog items alike. While in the backend, there's a shared part (general post info), and a split-up part (blogs are stored differently than galleries), they are treated the same from the user's point of view, and have the same basic functionalities: posting comments, searching contents, tagging, ... Even Projects are not separate entities; they are in fact blog posts that have been tagged as being a project; attachments of a blog post are the things that can be downloaded.
    While the Blog section shows all posts, the Gallery section shows only the gallery items, the Projects section shows only the projects.
  • There used to be a difference between blog posts and articles. This has been merged into one. I also reverted back to HTML and use CKeditor for input; before, it was all BBcode, which posed some serious restrictions on the layout of posts.
  • Finally, there were some other minor things changed: search-friendlier URL's, post tagging, full-text search, search through date and tags, and more.

It still is a work in progress though. Especially design-wise, there's some stuff to change in the future.

Some technical stuff

The website back-end was written from scratch (not based on a framework) in PHP 5 with a MySQL 5 backend, and runs on a Debian Linux, hosted by Cats & Dogs. The majority of the code is object-oriented.
The source to the site might be made available in the future (but not right now, so don't ask).

Special thanks

Finally, special thanks go to Evelynn Verdyck for the graphical design of the site.

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