Black Manticore has recently been moved to a new webserver. The biggest change was the migration from PHP 5 to PHP 7, which, because of the code's age, broke quite a few things. Because of this, the website has been offline for a good while in September, for which we apologize. Most things have been patched since and we expect everything to operate as expected.
Another issue with the tags was discovered lately, causing tags to be absent from new posts. This has been fixed as of today and all affected posts have been updated. Because of the high amount of different tags, we're planning on performing a reorganization and cleanup of the tags in the very near future.
Our website has been moved to a new server to allow for a better and faster service.
Although everything has been tested thouroughly, please contact us (use the contact form) if you notice something's wrong.
Routine maintenance in our hosting yesterday evening (2015/08/12) caused a lengthy downtime of the server our website is running on. Although the server itself was operational right after the maintenance, there were some network issues, causing the server not to be reachable from the outside.
In the meantime, the issue has been resolved.
UPDATE (2015/08/14): the same issue also caused problems with e-mail, which was not resolved until yesterday (2015/08/13) late in the evening. Any communication through the contacts or comments form will not have arrived and will have to contact us again.
A quick (minor) bug fix on the site just before going to vacation: the search and login boxes now maintain the proper size in Google Chrome so the submit button images behind them no longer shift to below them.
See you in three weeks...
To enable text wrapping inside a <pre> tag, enable this in CSS:
pre { white-space: pre-wrap; /* css-3 */ white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; /* Mozilla, since 1999 */ white-space: -pre-wrap; /* Opera 4-6 */ white-space: -o-pre-wrap; /* Opera 7 */ word-wrap: break-word; /* Internet Explorer 5.5+ */ }
A little late, but still... I wish everyone a Happy New Year!!
There will be some maintenance going on today and tomorrow, each time at night. During that time, our website might not be accessible.
Those looking for an easy way to implement dynamic charts in your websites, should check out Open Flash Chart.
It accepts data in JSON format, allowing an easy and uniform way to create all kinds of charts. Check out its website for more information on its features.
A lot of the server infrastructures currently located in Frankfurt will relocate to the new state-of-the-art Datadock data center in Strassbourg. This includes this website's hosting (Server4you) as well. The exact time of relocation is currently unknown, but estimates by the end of 2010.
The official site:
Just moved the website again. This time it's not a physical move of the server, but to another server altogether. It should have a bit of better performance than the old one.
If you happen to find any bugs because of this move, please let me know.
Server will be down again this weekend on account of a new kernel and the addition of extra RAM.