While not officially supported, it is possible to have Adobe Flash on your Android 2.1 (Eclair) device.
You can do so by downloading and installing the package included in this post. Note that you will have to have third party applications allowance enabled so that you can install it. Possibly, on some devices, you have to install Apps Installer to install the package.
Flash player works, but because of missing components in 2.1, there are some performance issues.
One of the neat things about OpenOffice is the many extensions available. Oracle has a PDF import extension for OpenOffice Draw, which can import just about any unsecured PDF document.
Download link: http://extensions.services.openoffice.org/project/pdfimport?intcmp=1549
This allows you to open PDF documents directly from the menu. There are still a few quirks now and then, but they don't spoil the usefulness of the extension.
Got a link to this article about best practices on keeping your inbox as empty as possible. Very useful for those that get a lot of mail at work:
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