Resetting a HP 1810-24 or -24G to factory defaults is easy:
You can disable the page prompt "--More or (q)uit--" by entering the following command at the console:
terminal length 0
This disables the prompt, and allows you to do config dumps, or run show tech-support.
If you get an error about unrecognized command, your firmware is too old.
Dell Networking switches introduce a new port mode called switchport general. This type is a multi-purpose mode, combining access and trunk in one.
The following gets written as:
The following gets written as:
Last year, around May, has changed their root certificates, causing Dynamic DNS using no longer to work properly. The error (Network Error) is displayed immediately after adding the account to your Sonicwall.
The easiest solution is to upgrade to the latest firmware:
Dell Support also offers an alternative, although this only works with more recent 5.9 versions: