showing posts tagged with 'internet'
edited by on June 2nd 2015, at 14:01

MXToolBox now also checks DKIM:

To use, enter your domain name follow by a colon (:), then the DKIM selector to check (e.g. default)

edited by on May 13th 2015, at 17:39

A look at the throughput graph clearly showed a drop to almost zero around 12:20 UTC+2:

edited by on May 13th 2015, at 15:39

A temporary outage on the AMS-IX internet backbone caused an extended outage of internet traffic across Netherlands.


Dear Tech-L subscribers,

Today Wednesday 13/05/2015 at 12:20 UTC+2 an installation engineer working on the PE under maintenance in EQUINIX AM3, while testing one of the newly installed 100GE modules, accidentally placed a loop on the ISP peering VLAN.


The loop caused a high CPU on all backbone and customer modules resulting in many BGP sessions dropping.
The incident lasted 10 minutes.
BGP sessions are restoring.

The situation has normalized again.

edited by on May 5th 2015, at 12:47
In rare cases, Internet Explorer (any version) tries to always "save" any and all website pages, and locally opened HTM/HTML files. Additionally, you cannot open the About Internet Explorer dialog box (it is either grayed out or nothing happens). There isn't a single cause for this so I tried listing some things you can try to resolve the matter.

Avast is known to cause this because of its SandBox module. Try disabling it, or (temporarily) uninstall Avast entirely.

Security bulletin MS14-021 provides an update, KB2964358, which can cause this if not all previous security updates for IE have been installed. Uninstall the patch, then install all security updates (accept this one),   ...
edited by on February 5th 2015, at 10:38

For my own reference, the port and LED layout of a Belgacom/Proximus B-Box 2 wireless router:



edited by on January 27th 2015, at 17:28
UPDATE: this article is no longer required as 4G for the carrier Proximus and Base are now supported by your iPhone natively!




In Belgium, the carrier Proximus is rolling out the new 4G (a.k.a. LTE) network. Proximus will be using the 1800MHz channels, which is supported by iPhone 5 and a number of Android phones (notably the Galaxy S3 and Note II). Unfortunately, Apple's policy is that carriers providing 4G first have to pass a "quality test" before they are added to the list of "supported 4G networks". Because in Belgium, Apple has a exclusivity contract with Mobistar and the latter aren't rolling out 4G just yet, results in Proximus  ...
edited by on December 10th 2014, at 13:16

Found this online blacklist lookup tool. It checks even more lists than the one at

edited by on September 4th 2014, at 11:52

To generate an SPF-record for your domain with the proper syntax, you can use the wizard at:

To verify an SPF-record after it's in place:

Read more on SPF:

edited by on March 14th 2013, at 14:38

Use these to set up mobile internet on your device:

  • APN name:
  • Username: base
  • Password: base
edited by on October 25th 2012, at 15:32

Read here why it is not, and why you should migrate to Joomla 2.5 as soon as possible:

edited by on October 25th 2012, at 12:02

An interesting read about the "rules of engagement" (or rather, lack thereof) when dealing with Joomla websites:

edited by on November 14th 2011, at 14:52
While unsupported, iCloud still allows access to your e-mail via IMAP, and sending via SMTP. Apple has published the necessary parameters for manually configuring your e-mail client to use the iCloud service.

Server name:

SSL required: yes

Port: 993 (is set by default)

Username: (use your address from your iCloud account)

Password: Your iCloud password

Server name:

SSL required: yes

Port: 587

SMTP authentication required: Yes

Username: (use your address from your iCloud account)

Password: Your iCloud password

SSL is required for both IMAP and SMTP. POP3 is not supported.

Source:  ...
edited by on November 8th 2011, at 15:23

Never unsecurely transmit passwords and other sensitive info via e-mail again. Just use One Time Secret will ensure that the sensitive information can be viewed only once. This allows for easy and secure transmission of passwords, VPN keys and the likes.

edited by on June 8th 2011, at 14:41

A good explanation about setting up SPF-records for domains can be found here:

edited by on October 20th 2010, at 12:09

Those looking for an easy way to implement dynamic charts in your websites, should check out Open Flash Chart.

It accepts data in JSON format, allowing an easy and uniform way to create all kinds of charts. Check out its website for more information on its features.

edited by on October 14th 2010, at 13:44

A lot of the server infrastructures currently located in Frankfurt will relocate to the new state-of-the-art Datadock data center in Strassbourg. This includes this website's hosting (Server4you) as well. The exact time of relocation is currently unknown, but estimates by the end of 2010.

The official site:

edited by on October 14th 2010, at 12:04

(10:00): There are currently some general routing problems, affecting the majority of the customers at Belgacom. The problems started around 7am this morning. I've contacted Belgacom, and they said the problem would be resolved by 11am.
Unofficially, rumor has it that the police has raided Belgacom because of suspected fraud. Whether this has got something to do with the routing problems is unknown. More details and corrections will follow.

Update (12:00): after careful testing and a bit of a hick-up (routing between Telenet and Belgacom still gave troubles), everything seems to be in order again. Additional news about the alledged raid will follow as soon as I have more info.

edited by on October 13th 2010, at 11:42

A list of internet speed tests:

showing posts tagged with 'internet'
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