showing posts tagged with 'vmware'
edited by on April 29th 2015, at 14:00
Sometimes it may be required to do a full restart of agents and services on a VMWare ESX host. You could do a full reboot, but this requires all VMs to be shut down or moved to another host. Fortunately, it is also possible to do a complete restart of services on a host without affecting the VMs running on it.

There are two ways of doing this, depending on whether you have direct access to the host, through console or through a remote management system like HP's iLO or Dell's iDRAC, or have to do it remotely.

Note that using the Restart management agents function from the console is not the same as a full restart of all services.

Use this method if you have access to the host directly thr  ...
edited by on April 29th 2015, at 13:18
There are two ways to enable the SSH server on a VMWare ESX host, through the vSphere client or through direct access through the console.

Use this method if you have access to the host directly through console, or when you can use a remote management system such as HP's Integrated Lights-Out or Dell's iDRAC.

If you can't log on using the vSphere client, this is the only way to enable the SSH server.

Log on to the console using the root account.

In the menu, go to Troubleshooting, then enable the SSH server.

Log on to the ESX host through the vSphere client. You can also log on your vCenter server to enable the service.

Click on the host (in vCenter or when logged in directly on the ES  ...
edited by on April 29th 2015, at 10:00

When attempting to install or upgrade VMWare vServer server or its components, you may get the following prompt:

Please insert the Disk: 1

If you click OK, the message reappears. Clicking Cancel results in the installation to roll back.


Copy the entire installation files to a location on the local hard drive and run the install/upgrade from there.

When running the installation from the local hard drive, and you get the error Provided password is wrong or empty, reboot and re-run the install from the local hard drive.

edited by on April 23rd 2015, at 11:05
When upgrading or reinstalling VMWare Site Recovery Manager (SRM), you may run into the following error:

Error message
Failed to Clear Inventory Service Registration

This error can occur when you attempt to upgrade/reinstall SRM, and have decided to clear out the SRM database, or when you have done a reinstall of vCenter, the inventory service, or have cleared out the Inventory Service database.

There are two ways around this.

Keep the old SRM database instead of overwriting it, but after the installation, you will manually have to clean up the existing database, since you wanted to clear out the old data in the first place.

Alternatively, and more easily done, is to remove the database  ...
edited by on April 22nd 2015, at 12:58
The Trend Micro OfficeScan AEGIS engine may cause a desktop not to load during logon, resulting in a black screen with only the mouse cursor visible. The process explorer.exe is not loaded, nor can it be loaded through Task Manager.

The problem usually occurs on provisioned desktops, either through VDI (VMWare View) or some other 3rd party management solution (Dell Kace, etc). Various components of these solutions hook into key Windows components (Winlogon, Explorer extensions, etc), and are then being blocked by the Trend Micro Behavioral Analysis service (the AEGIS-engine).

A workaround is to either whitelist all the components, but this is often not a straight-forward solution. Another   ...
edited by on April 21st 2015, at 08:16

When attempting to install VMWare Tools on a Windows 2000 VM, you may get the following error:

Error message
Microsoft Runtime DLLs cannot be installed on this Operating System. Please see Microsoft KB835732

To resolve, you need to install Security Update for Windows 2000 (KB835732) (requires SP4 as well).

edited by on April 20th 2015, at 15:42
There are two methods of uninstalling vSphere Replication from your vcenter, depending on whether or not the replication appliance is still present and accessible.

Unregister the appliance from vCenter, then turn off and delete the appliance.

If not turned on, turn on the replication appliance.

Stop all replications in both directions.

Disconnect any open connections to other replication sites.

Connect to the VAMI of the appliance through web: https://vr-appliance-address:5480

From the Configuration tab, click Unregister from vCenter server.

In the vSphere Web client, power off and delete the replication appliance. The plug-in will be uninstalled automatically.

edited by on March 19th 2015, at 12:39
Using the vSphere (Web) Client, it is only possible to "upgrade" your virtual hardware to the latest version supported by your ESX host. Sometimes, it's necessary to set the hardware version to a specific version, rather than just the latest supported one. This can be done through PowerCLI (for use with vCenter) or ESXi Shell (for free ESXi).

Before you begin, note that you have to power down a VM before you can change the hardware version.

You need VMWare vSphere PowerCLI installed on a computer, and access to a vCenter server (can be appliance or full version for Windows) with the necessary credentials.

Connect to the vSphere server:

$cred = Get-CredentialConnect-VIServer -Se  ...
edited by on March 9th 2015, at 11:15
You can easily reset the root password on linux-based VMWare appliances through the boot loader. For this to work, you need access to the console of the appliance (i.e. through vSphere (Web) Client), and needs to be performed during offline hours as the appliance has to be rebooted.

Reboot the appliance, and as soon as you see the GRUB boot loader, halt the automatic boot timer by hitting any key (I usually move the selection using the arrows).

Select the first entry, and press e, allowing you to type in some text. At the end of the line that starts with kernel, add the following text:


Do not remove any other text. Then press Enter to confirm.

Press b to continue the boot  ...
edited by on February 18th 2015, at 14:19

ViewDbChk is a free tool that helps you overcome and clean up database inconsistencies for VMware Horizon View, the VMware solution for VDI.

The tool, available for version 5.3 and 6.0, can be downloaded through the link below. When downloading, be sure to select the correct version.

edited by on January 27th 2015, at 12:56
You may get an error during the upgrade of Veeam Backup & Recovery to version 8, stating that the vPower NFS service is unable to start. Alternatively, when updating the individual components, you may also get a similar error (such as: "Error 1920.Service Veeam vPower NFS Service (VeeamNFSSvc) failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services.").

There are several reasons possible for this, but the most likely one is a wrong NFS Datastore path specified in the registry, usually because the drive that the datastore is pointing to, is no longer present.
Another reason could be that your server has the "NFS sharing" feature installed,   ...
edited by on December 12th 2014, at 12:52
When you have some VMs with thin provisioned disks, you may have noticed that these will continue to grow, and never shrink, even after cleaning out data from within the VM. Currently, VMware does not have automatic space reclamation, unless you're running a SAN which supports this (and you have the necessary components installed, such as EqualLogic's HIT-kit). Luckily, there are some tools to allow you to reclaim unused space from your virtual thin disks. The only downside is that you have to power off the affected machines.

Reclaiming disk space only works when the blocks on your virtual disk are really empty. Deleting data usually only removes the entries from the file allocati  ...
edited by on November 26th 2014, at 10:19

You can use the Guided Search Wizard for VMWare Compatibility Matrix to figure out if a certain version of ESX or feature is supported by a certain server or hardware platform:

edited by on September 9th 2014, at 12:04

Shutdown the VM.

Open .vmx file with Notepad or another plain text editor.
Add these lines:

hypervisor.cpuid.v0 = "FALSE" 
mce.enable = "TRUE"
vhv.enable = "TRUE"
vpmc.enable = "TRUE"

Save and start the VM. Now you can install the Hyper-V role.

edited by on August 14th 2014, at 14:17
In certain cases when deploying machines from a template using deployment customization, parts of this process may fail. As a result, upon each reboot, the system may try to re-run the customization process, and the following message is displayed at each startup:

VMware Image Customization in progress

To remove any pending sysprep customization routine, you can manually remove the reference to it by editing the Windows Registry

Start regedit.exe.

Navigate to the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\.

Change the value of BootExecute. Remove the part that says sysprepDecryptor.exe. Leave the other parts of the value as they were (so only remove the one w  ...
edited by on January 8th 2014, at 12:34
Even though you've unchecked the time synchronisation checkbox in VMware Tools, synchronisation may still occur. Particularly when a certain action is performed, such as a power-off/power-on, suspend/resume, snapshot handling, etc., time synchronisation will still occur.

To complete disable time synchronisation, even during the events mentioned, you have to add additional parameters to the VMware VM configuration. There are two ways to do this.

Note that you need to have the machine powered off before you can do these changes.

Use a text editor to directly edit the .vmx-file, adding the required parameters:

tools.syncTime = "0"time.synchronize.continue = "0"time.synchronize.restore = "0"  ...
edited by on December 16th 2013, at 16:06

Before installing ROK licenses on your virtual machines on VMware, be sure to allow SMBios reflection of the host to the VM's. Otherwise, authorization will fail with a This system is unsupported message.

To do this, go to the settings of your newly created VM. Click the tab Configuration, then click General, then the button Configuration Parameters. Add a new row:

SMBIOS.reflectHost = TRUE

edited by on April 3rd 2013, at 10:15
Currently, vCenter Server 5.1 is not supported on Windows Server 2012. Trying to install usually results in several errors, but they can be resolved with some workarounds and things to consider. This post is a gathering of (some of) those things.

First of, be sure to install .NET 3.5 using the Server Manager. It can be found as a feature. The installation delivered in the vCenter installation cannot be installed.

It's best to install the required components (SSO and Inventory Service) separately to ensure the installation of the different components goes smoothly. You will have to type in and remember the SSO passwords though.

Upon installation of the vCenter Server, it will insta  ...
edited by on March 19th 2013, at 14:29
If a host cannot be managed via vCenter or from vSphere client, you can still use the CLI (on the host itself or via network using SSH or vSphere CLI/RCLI) to partially manage the VMs on the host.

For this to work you must have already enabled the local console, Tech Support Mode and/or SSH access:

Enabling root SSH login on an ESX host (8375637)

Tech Support Mode for Emergency Support (1003677) (ESXi 3.5 and 4.0 only)

Using Tech Support Mode in ESXi 4.1 and ESXi 5.0 (1017910)

Once logged in, you can use these commands to control the VMs. Note that there are differences between ESX and ESXi.

table.score th { border-left: 1px solid #094269;}table.score th.first { border-left: none} tabl  ...
showing posts tagged with 'vmware'
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