showing posts tagged with 'news'
edited by on October 22nd 2020, at 15:12

Black Manticore has recently been moved to a new webserver. The biggest change was the migration from PHP 5 to PHP 7, which, because of the code's age, broke quite a few things. Because of this, the website has been offline for a good while in September, for which we apologize. Most things have been patched since and we expect everything to operate as expected.

Another issue with the tags was discovered lately, causing tags to be absent from new posts. This has been fixed as of today and all affected posts have been updated. Because of the high amount of different tags, we're planning on performing a reorganization and cleanup of the tags in the very near future.

edited by on July 17th 2020, at 12:35

The official information page about the long-standing Windows DNS Server Remote Code Execution Vulnerability:

edited by on January 22nd 2016, at 15:58

Our website has been moved to a new server to allow for a better and faster service.

Although everything has been tested thouroughly, please contact us (use the contact form) if you notice something's wrong.

edited by on August 14th 2015, at 12:34

Routine maintenance in our hosting yesterday evening (2015/08/12) caused a lengthy downtime of the server our website is running on. Although the server itself was operational right after the maintenance, there were some network issues, causing the server not to be reachable from the outside.

In the meantime, the issue has been resolved.

UPDATE (2015/08/14): the same issue also caused problems with e-mail, which was not resolved until yesterday (2015/08/13) late in the evening. Any communication through the contacts or comments form will not have arrived and will have to contact us again.

edited by on August 11th 2015, at 15:44
With the next version of this site postponed again, I decided to resolve some long standing issues with the current version, and make some changes as well:

You can finally press Enter when searching for stuff. This did not work because of a missing JS function.

Removed all local inclusions of CSS and JS and moved them back to separate files. I've also removed any dynamic JS code creation and replaced them with JS-only equivalents for cleaner code. As a result, I had to fix and/or modify several other functions on the site (search-within-section in particular).

Fixed listing of posts for a specific month. It did not work properly for months before October of each year due to a missing lead  ...
edited by on July 17th 2015, at 16:01

A quick (minor) bug fix on the site just before going to vacation: the search and login boxes now maintain the proper size in Google Chrome so the submit button images behind them no longer shift to below them.

See you in three weeks...

edited by on June 26th 2015, at 14:50

Microsoft has released the Azure Active Directory Connect to the general public. Azure AD Connect replaces (although "incorporates" is a better word) DirSync as the new tool to set up synchronization between your on-premise Active Directory and Azure Active Directory, including Office 365.

The current version of Azure AD Connect is only the beginning. Microsoft has announced a lot more features, which will be made available in the next versions.

More information and installation resources:

edited by on June 5th 2015, at 15:04

Office365 Outlook Web Access (OWA) has been updated with a new look. Most notable is the presence of Gmail-style avatars for the contacts:

edited by on May 13th 2015, at 17:39

A look at the throughput graph clearly showed a drop to almost zero around 12:20 UTC+2:

edited by on May 13th 2015, at 15:39

A temporary outage on the AMS-IX internet backbone caused an extended outage of internet traffic across Netherlands.


Dear Tech-L subscribers,

Today Wednesday 13/05/2015 at 12:20 UTC+2 an installation engineer working on the PE under maintenance in EQUINIX AM3, while testing one of the newly installed 100GE modules, accidentally placed a loop on the ISP peering VLAN.


The loop caused a high CPU on all backbone and customer modules resulting in many BGP sessions dropping.
The incident lasted 10 minutes.
BGP sessions are restoring.

The situation has normalized again.

edited by on April 23rd 2013, at 16:51

Today, as of this afternoon, part of Apple's iCloud service is down. I noticed it just as I was attempting to sign in using the iCloud web application. I immediately got a nasty server error:

A quick look at the System Status page revealed issues with sign in:

edited by on January 8th 2013, at 12:05

A little late, but still... I wish everyone a Happy New Year!!

edited by on October 10th 2011, at 15:54

Ever since the official announcement of the iPhone 4S, I'm reading basically everywhere on how disappointed the fans were about the iPhone 5 not being announced, but instead the iPhone 4S was...

To all those sites and fans (which in my opinion aren't really fans): why are you nagging about the iPhone 5? There never ever was an official announcement or rumour about the iPhone 5 ever being announced or released. The iPhone 4S is the next generation of the iPhone. So what's it's not called the iPhone 5? It's only a name, invented by those spreading rumours in the first place. It never was announced by Apple at all. So cut the cr*p and move on...

edited by on July 8th 2011, at 10:33

A new type of rootkit has recently been seen. While most modern rootkits use the MBR and unused sectors of a harddrive, this one also misuses NTFS metadata to inject malicious code into a running OS.

Full article:

edited by on July 1st 2011, at 10:48

Interesting article about how the new Office365 may best Google Apps in being the new market leader in cloud applications.

edited by on May 25th 2011, at 13:22

There will be some maintenance going on today and tomorrow, each time at night. During that time, our website might not be accessible.

edited by on October 15th 2010, at 12:02

More information about the search at Belgacom: it took place last wednesday (Oct 14), after a complaint of Mobistar and KPN at the Raad voor Mededinging (a counsil which keeps an eye on companies keeping to Belgian competition laws).

The investigation is about the wholesale services of DSL where Belgacom alledgedly would have invoked obstruction measurements.

The search is only a step in the whole investigation, without actual accusations. The entire procedure could take several years before completion.

edited by on August 31st 2010, at 14:47
Starting September 1st, Belgacom is changing the specs of some of their subscription types. The biggest change is probably that of upstream speed, which is increased significantly for all types. Additionally, the two more expensive types get an upgrade of their download speed as well.

Subscription Old upload speed New upload speed Internet Start 256 kbps 400 kbps Internet Comfort 1 mbps 1.5 mbps Internet Favourite 1.5 mbps 3.5 mbps Internet Intense 2 mbps 4.5 mbps For the last two subscription types, the download speeds are increas  ...
edited by on June 2nd 2010, at 17:58
Officially hooked by Facebook. Well, not really...

It wasn't exactly peer pressure (like everyone is assuming), but was getting a bit tired of the endless conversations about things happening on Facebook. I was starting to get a feeling I was missing out on things. Moreover, because of the creation of various Facebook groups (mainly Zweefvliegclub Albatros), I created a Facebook profile to join these groups as well. And last, but not least, it's amazing how many people you once knew can be found on Facebook. My profile exists for only a week, but already I received a bunch of friend requests of people I haven't seen or heard from in a long time.

On the other hand, I'm   ...
showing posts tagged with 'news'
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