showing posts tagged with 'office365'
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edited by on November 12th 2014, at 16:45

Technically, you can't set up out-of-office for shared mailboxes through a normal way, because you can't log in with Outlook on those accounts. A workaround would be to temporarily convert it to a regular mailbox, grant a license to it, and then log in with Outlook, but this is not always possible or desired.

Fortunately, you can also enable out-of-office through Powershell on any mailbox, including shared and resource mailboxes.

edited by on October 21st 2014, at 11:14
You can easily get a list of users and their assigned Office365 licenses through the Windows Azure Active Directory Module for PowerShell.

Connect to your Office365 tenant through a user with Administrator permissions:


Then, enter this command:

Get-MsolUser | Select DisplayName,Licenses | FT

You can also append the following to export it to a CSV-file.

... | Export-CSV -Delimiter ";" ~Desktopmy-export.csv

The Licenses column tells which license is assigned, but it uses different names than what is visible at the WebPortal.

These are the ones that I know of:

STANDARDPACK Office365 Enterprise E1 ENTERPRISEPACK Office  ...
edited by on August 28th 2014, at 13:11
For migrations from other e-mail platforms to Exchange, you probably want to have full access enabled for a certain Exchange-account to facilitate the migration without having to set up complex access rights. Exchange has something called application impersonation, which allows a user to impersonate other users to access individual mailboxes, which comes in very handy during a migration.

In order to set up application impersonation, you need access to the Exchange Management Shell (EMS), with an account which has permissions to set up access rights.

Exchange 2007 does not support application impersonation as in Exchange 2010 and up. Impersonation does exist but has to be set on each indivi  ...
edited by on March 4th 2014, at 13:03
In normal circumstances, Outlook would configure itself using a procedure called Autodiscovery: all server settings and logon names would be configured by downloading configuration settings from a certain site, eliminating the requirement to know any server settings. Office 365 also makes extensive use of Autodiscovery for this and other purposes. In case of migrations, or when Autodiscovery is not available or does not apply (e.g. Outlook 2007), you can also manually configure your Office 365 account. Although this used to be pretty straight-forward, since they moved to Exchange 2013, manual configuration of Outlook has become a bit more complex.

Since its upgrade to Exchange 2013, Office   ...
edited by on March 14th 2013, at 09:11

When you've recently changed your password, you will continuously be prompted to type in your password everytime you want to sync, and you don't see an option to always be signed in.

To resolve, you have to select to sign in as a different user, then re-enter your credentials. Signing in as a different user will show the checkbox to enable always be signed in. This method won't affect your synced data.

edited by on March 5th 2013, at 16:11

You can disable the password expiration for one or more users through Powershell.

$cred = Get-Credential

Connect-MSOLService -credential $cred

Get-MSOLUser | Set-MsolUser -PasswordNeverExpires $true

Note that you need to have the Microsoft Online cmdlets:

by on January 1st 1970, at 01:00
After migrating your on-premise Exchange mailboxes to Office 365 using Hybrid method, and subsequently decommissioning your on-premise Exchange, you may run into the issue where it is not possible to enable the in-place archive for a mailbox through the online Exchange Admin Portal or ECP. Attempting to do so will trigger an error.Microsoft has released some Powershell scripts to work around the issue. You can run the scripts to enable or disable the in-place archive for a certain mailbox. The script does not need any prerequisites other than the Powershell AD module and the user running the script must have the proper permissions as outlined on the downloads page.  ...
by on January 1st 1970, at 01:00
In an organization you may not want to get prompts to try out the new Outlook Preview versions. Luckily, there's a way to turn this off, either through GPO or through a registry key, which can be distributed to your users.

If you're using the latest Administrative Templates for Office, you can find the setting under User Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\Microsoft Outlook 2016\Outlook Options\Other, where you can enable the Disable Preview Place setting.

Alternatively, add the following DWORD-value:

Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\Options\General

DWORD-value: DisablePreviewPlace, set its value to 1.

Note that the above only disables the user p  ...
by on January 1st 1970, at 01:00
It is possible that room mailboxes have their default permissions set to show only availability, but sometimes you may want to allow users to see what has been booked (title of the meeting). You can either set this through Outlook but this is tedious as you'll need full mailbox access for this to work. However, admins can also set this via Powershell (for M365, load the Exchange Online module).

To view the current permissions:

Get-MailboxFolderPermission my-meeting-room:\calendar

To set the permissions to show limited details by default:

Set-MailboxFolderPermission -AccessRights LimitedDetails -Identity my-meeting-room:\calendar -User default

Optionally, if you wish to know who booked t  ...
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showing posts tagged with 'office365'
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