Or: How IT rack cabling should be done...:
According to a poll by Columbustravel.nl (a Dutch travelling website), the following countries are the most cheapest to go on vacation to
One can safely conclude that South-East Asia is the cheapest in the world to go to. But let's take a look at the other continents:
Found this handy tool online to convert Belgian bank account numbers to international IBAN/BIC:
On April 22, 2015, a volcano in southern Chile, erupted for the first time in 4 decades. A lot of photo and video footage is available of the event, but none are so wonderful and gorgeous as the 4K timelapse, shot and released by Timestorm Films.
The high-definition footage, along with an ominous sounding soundtrack, truly is a must-see for all.
The Natixis Global Retirement Index, compiled by Natixis Global Asset Management, determines the most ideal countries to move to after retirement. The organization analyzes 150 countries on the quality of live of its retired population, based on different criteria, such as: access to health care, life expectancy, tax, income egality, investment opportunities, and general quality of life. According to the research, based on those criteria, the following top 10 countries are the most ideal to live in after retirement:
With the take-over of Sun by Oracle, they have been seriously rebranding just about everything there is to rebrand: Java, Virtualbox, OpenOffice, MySQL, ...
I noticed this in the About box of OpenOffice 3.3:
This is pretty much the result of what happens when a major company is on a buying spree to acquire technology from various other companies, and leaving a lot of the community developers seamlingly standing in the cold (although there's a small footnote mentioning their contributions).