showing posts tagged with 'computer'
edited by on June 8th 2011, at 14:41

A good explanation about setting up SPF-records for domains can be found here:

edited by on June 5th 2011, at 13:17

To have scripted automated backup of PostgreSQL databases on a linux platform, you can create a script like so:

PGPASSWORD="your-password" /usr/bin/pg_dump -U user database > sql-file.sql

Replace user and your-password with your username and password; replace database with the database you want to backup. The output of the dump goes to stdout and can be piped to a plain text file or compressed to something else.

edited by on June 5th 2011, at 13:09

A plugin for Thunderbird exists for easy import and export of mails in all sorts of formats. It is available for all platforms and can be downloaded here:

One of the features is the ability to import entire folders and subfolders containing mails in .eml format.

edited by on May 20th 2011, at 11:20

It is possible to have multiple iPhoto libraries, and not just one. To create a new library, hold down the Option (⌥) key while starting iPhoto. This will prompt you to create a new library or open an existing one.

Alternatively, you can also use iPhoto Buddy, which allows you to easily select libraries from a nice GUI.

edited by on May 6th 2011, at 15:17
Had a problem with a client who is running Outlook 2007 with Exchange 2010 on a 2008R2 terminal server: each message sent from Outlook (composed by Outlook) had a blank message body. The recipient side would see it like this, and the empty message would be stored in the Sent Items folder of Outlook. This behaviour was system-wide, meaning that each user was experiencing this problem.

After some digging around, I found this link on the internet stating it could be related to the virus scanner. My eye was particularly caught by a post of someone who was running Avast 4.8 on TS (which was identical to what the client was running). After disabling scan outbound mail the problem was fixed.

I   ...
edited by on May 2nd 2011, at 13:18
If for some reason, the PDC dies horribly, you are left with a semi-working domain. While the basic functionality will still be operational, certain aspects of the domain can no longer be reconfigured. If the broken DC can no longer be rescued, you need to transfer the five FSMO roles to a working DC as soon as possible as to ensure your domain will remain healthy.

If FSMO roles are not transferred time, it can have implications on the following items, depending on the roles that are located on the offline DC:

FSMO roleImplications of lossSchemaThe schema cannot be extended or reconfigured. This is not a problem unless you wish to perform a schema upgrade during the outage.Domain NamingPro  ...
edited by on April 27th 2011, at 12:18
You can reconfigure the position of the driver letter in Explorer in Vista and Windows 7.

Before (XP and earlier), the driver letter would always be shown as first. Since Vista, this behaviour has been changed, but can luckily be controlled by a registry setting.

To change the setting, fire up regedit, and edit/create a DWORD value, called ShowDriveLettersFirst in the root of the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer. This controls how drive letters are displayed in Explorer. The values are:

0 (default): displayed after the label;

1 (mixed): depending on the drive type, they are displayed before or after the label;

2 (none): show no drive lett  ...
edited by on April 19th 2011, at 15:55
The latest trend in virii is the use of MBR rootkits to settle themselves in the unused (hidden) sectors of your harddrive, safe from any formatting or reinstallation of Windows. They cannot be removed by an antivirus as the rootkit directly interacts with the kernel upon boot, long before any antivirus system drivers are being loaded. The rootkit does not patch actual files or drivers, but rather does this dynamically upon booting Windows. A complete format of your system would not get rid of the MBR as it is hosted in the first sectors of your hard drive and therefore survive a format of a single partition.

More information can be found here:

There  ...
edited by on April 19th 2011, at 15:40
By default (and if turned on in Finder), Mac OS X only shows network shares on the desktop when they are connected. If you want to have a link to the share, even when it's not connected, you can create an alias to that share to have it always shown on the desktop. This way, you will always have it available, and moreover, double-clicking the alias will automatically connect the share, and, if required, prompt for a password.

To quickly create a share, connect it like you normally would. While staying in the root of that share, drag its icon in the title bar of the Finder window to your desktop while holding the Option (alt) and Command keys. This will create a permanent alias on your   ...
edited by on April 4th 2011, at 15:51
With the installation of VMware ESXi 4, data stores will automatically be created using the default settings. This includes a block size of 1 MB. If you don't want that, you could delete the empty datastore and create a new one.

Sometimes, deleting the empty datastore fails with the message:

Call "HostDatastoreSystem.RemoveDatastore" for object "ha-datastoresystem" on ESXi "xx.xx.xx.xx" failed.

VMware's KB 1017104 provides the solution for another problem, but this works just as well with this issue, with a little variation.

Performing the steps in this solution will totally utterly destroy your data store. Do not use it if there's still any req  ...
edited by on March 11th 2011, at 12:01

Currently, the official Avast for Mac Edition available for download is still at version 2.74, released somewhere in 2007.
This version still has many annoyances and bugs that have not yet been resolved (one of these issues is the ability to run automatically in the background, without the main window popping up at start up each time).

Luckily, the Avast Forum has a post, providing a new release candidate is available for download for some time now. The build is also a bit outdated but has at least many fixes that aren't present in the official release.

The direct download link is:

edited by on March 11th 2011, at 10:38

With the take-over of Sun by Oracle, they have been seriously rebranding just about everything there is to rebrand: Java, Virtualbox, OpenOffice, MySQL, ...

I noticed this in the About box of OpenOffice 3.3:

openoffice by Oracle

This is pretty much the result of what happens when a major company is on a buying spree to acquire technology from various other companies, and leaving a lot of the community developers seamlingly standing in the cold (although there's a small footnote mentioning their contributions).

edited by on March 9th 2011, at 09:36
Since Windows 2008, it is possible to protect OUs from being deleted accidentally. This feature is enabled by default when creating new OUs in AD Users and Computers.

If a container is marked as protected from accidental deletion, you get an error message when trying to delete it.

To unlock the OU, you have to enable Advanced Features from the View menu. This will provide you with extra stuff to set. One of these is the ability to turn off the accidental deletion protection.

Right-click the OU you wish to delete and select Properties. Navigate to the Object tab (which would not be present if Advanced Features wasn't enabled). Uncheck the checkbox saying Protect object fro  ...
edited by on March 8th 2011, at 10:28

Everything you need to set up and use VDI for free...

That's what Citrix is providing nowadays with XenDesktop Express. It provides full VDI for up to 10 users, and can work with XenServer, Hyper-V and VMware.

The full link to everything is this one:

edited by on March 8th 2011, at 10:24
It's possible to rename the logical names of MS-SQL databases through the SQL-prompt (osql.exe).

Log in to your database using osql:

> osql -S SERVERINSTANCE -d MyDB -U sa

First, query the current logical names; you will need them in order to rename them.

1> SELECT * FROM sysfiles2> GOfileid groupid size maxsize growth status perf name filename1 1 106224 -1 10 1048578 0 OldName_Data D:\SQL2000\Data\MyDB_Data.mdf2 0 128 -1 10 1048642 0 OldName_Log D:\SQL2000\Data\MyDB_Log.ldf

The name column specifies the logical names. Use the following SQL statement to rename them.

1> ALTER DATABASE [MyDB] MODIFY FILE (NAME = 'OldName_Data', NEWNAME = 'NewName_Data'  ...
edited by on March 8th 2011, at 10:09

Something to remember: escaping entities (e.g. when you have table or field names that are the same as reserved words) is possible using square brackets

Some examples:


I had to use this while renaming logical names, which had a dot in their name.

edited by on March 7th 2011, at 15:22

In VMware ESXi 4.1, by default, the video drivers are not correctly installed. This is because of the fact that the old driver (which is installed by default) is a WDM type of driver. This type of driver has been kicked out of Windows 7 and Windows 2008R2 in favour of the newer WDDM driver architecture. As a result, the video is reverted to the Standard VGA adapter, which has terrible performance.

However, installing the VMware Tools does provide a correct driver, even though it is not installed by default. To install it, see the second chapter of the article: Windows 2008 R2 console freezes in vSphere console.

edited by on March 7th 2011, at 14:48
Users of a Samsung Galaxy Apolly GT-I580x may have noticed that, by default, there's no YouTube player present. This basically cripples the phone not being able to play YouTube videos.

A standalone version of the application was released by Google, but can only be installed on Android 2.2 (Froyo), really disappointing for 2.1-users.
Fortunately, someone has ported the YouTube player to 2.1 by removing some 2.2-specific function calls and replacing others that are required by the app.

To install it, download the attached Android package onto your phone and install it. You may have to install Apps Installer from the Android Market for this to work.

The application works very well b  ...
edited by on March 7th 2011, at 14:41

While not officially supported, it is possible to have Adobe Flash on your Android 2.1 (Eclair) device.

You can do so by downloading and installing the package included in this post. Note that you will have to have third party applications allowance enabled so that you can install it. Possibly, on some devices, you have to install Apps Installer to install the package.

Flash player works, but because of missing components in 2.1, there are some performance issues.

showing posts tagged with 'computer'
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