HPE has determined an issue with certain HPE SAS Solid State Drives (SSDs) which have a bug in their firmware causing a drive failure at 32,768 hours of operation. A critical patch has been releases to address the issue.
More information: https://support.hpe.com/hpsc/doc/public/display?docId=emr_na-a00092491en_us
If you're looking for the Group Policy Templates (ADM/ADMX) for configuring Acrobat Reader DC, you can download them from the Adobe FTP:
There's no proper uninstall tool for Office on Mac. To completely uninstall Office for Mac, follow these official instructions:
If you're not ready/able to upgrade to macOS Catalina, you can hide the update from Software Update.
Note that because of sudo, you'll need to be an admin on your Mac.
Open Terminal and enter the following command:
sudo softwareupdate --ignore "macOS Catalina"
Enter your password when prompted.
When you are ready to update, you can un-hide Catalina the same way:
sudo softwareupdate --reset-ignored
Not straightforward to find on the website (but with a little bit of Googling, here it is): an overview of the system requirements for VMware Fusion. All versions are listed:
A very nice article explaining how to migrate from an external Platform Service Controller to an embedded one:
A note about versioning: use the same version of the converge tool as the version of your vCenter and PSC. Otherwise the converge will most likely fail (as it did when using 6.7 tool on a 6.5 environment).
You can use Powershell to get the block size of a Windows NTFS volume:
On newer systems:
Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Volume | Select DriveLetter,Label, BlockSize | FT -AutoSize
On older systems, the Get-CimInstance may not be available, in which case you can use the (deprecated) Get-WmiObject:
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Volume | Select DriveLetter,Label, BlockSize | FT -AutoSize