While not officially supported, it is possible to have Adobe Flash on your Android 2.1 (Eclair) device.
You can do so by downloading and installing the package included in this post. Note that you will have to have third party applications allowance enabled so that you can install it. Possibly, on some devices, you have to install Apps Installer to install the package.
Flash player works, but because of missing components in 2.1, there are some performance issues.
One of the neat things about OpenOffice is the many extensions available. Oracle has a PDF import extension for OpenOffice Draw, which can import just about any unsecured PDF document.
Download link: http://extensions.services.openoffice.org/project/pdfimport?intcmp=1549
This allows you to open PDF documents directly from the menu. There are still a few quirks now and then, but they don't spoil the usefulness of the extension.
Windows 7 and Windows 2008R2 Service Pack 1 has been released.
It is available through Windows Update, but for those that require the full installer, can find it here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=c3202ce6-4056-4059-8a1b-3a9b77cdfdda&displaylang=en.
Since Acrobat Reader X, by default, no toolbar is shown while in Read Mode display. Instead, a heads-up black toolbar with minimalistic functions is used. This is the default behaviour but can be turned off.
To do that, open Reader, choose Edit, then Preferences. In the tab Internet, uncheck Display in Read Mode by default, then press OK.
Because the official website of 7-Zip (http://www.7-zip.org/) is currently offline, I'm mirroring the latest version here.
EDIT: the official site has been fixed and is online again.
For an easy to use disk erasing tool: http://www.dban.org/.
It's pretty important when you retire your old computer that you securely delete the contents of your hard disk. Even with a regular format, it is still possible to retrieve a lot of data from the disk. DBAN can help you with that.
By default, there's no ODBC driver available on 64-bit Windows systems for Access and Foxpro. This is because they only are native 32-bit at the moment. There are a few workarounds present, but the easiest would be to stick with 32-bit if you need this.
Lifehacker published a really interesting howto, explaining how to install Android on your iPhone in six easy steps:
Those looking for an easy way to implement dynamic charts in your websites, should check out Open Flash Chart.
It accepts data in JSON format, allowing an easy and uniform way to create all kinds of charts. Check out its website for more information on its features.
A list of IEC power cable connectors, useful as a resource for ordering spare parts:
More information about the search at Belgacom: it took place last wednesday (Oct 14), after a complaint of Mobistar and KPN at the Raad voor Mededinging (a counsil which keeps an eye on companies keeping to Belgian competition laws).
The investigation is about the wholesale services of DSL where Belgacom alledgedly would have invoked obstruction measurements.
The search is only a step in the whole investigation, without actual accusations. The entire procedure could take several years before completion.
A lot of the server infrastructures currently located in Frankfurt will relocate to the new state-of-the-art Datadock data center in Strassbourg. This includes this website's hosting (Server4you) as well. The exact time of relocation is currently unknown, but estimates by the end of 2010.
The official site: http://www.datadock.eu/en/index.php.
(10:00): There are currently some general routing problems, affecting the majority of the customers at Belgacom. The problems started around 7am this morning. I've contacted Belgacom, and they said the problem would be resolved by 11am.
Unofficially, rumor has it that the police has raided Belgacom because of suspected fraud. Whether this has got something to do with the routing problems is unknown. More details and corrections will follow.
Update (12:00): after careful testing and a bit of a hick-up (routing between Telenet and Belgacom still gave troubles), everything seems to be in order again. Additional news about the alledged raid will follow as soon as I have more info.
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