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edited by on October 13th 2015, at 14:46

DigiCert has a very handy tool to automatically change the internal and external URLs of an Exchange CAS server:

edited by on October 9th 2015, at 11:06
In larger environments, installing Office from Office365 can be tedious work. Because of how the installation works (Click-to-Run principal), every user would have to log on to Office365 Portal to download and run the installer, and then stream Office to each computer. From a management perspective, this isn't really a good idea. Luckily, Microsoft has updated their Office Deployment Tool to support Click-to-Run, and that includes Office365.

Using Office Deployment Tool to deploy Office365 is pretty straight-forward and does not require much in terms of dependencies or prerequisites. It is also possible to use the deployment tool to deploy Office365 through System Center Configuration Manag  ...
edited by on October 9th 2015, at 10:06
With the release of Office 2016, Microsoft has also released the Office 2016 Deployment Tool (download here).

New features for Office Deployment Tool:

Specify which update branch to use.

Specify which language accessory packs to install.

The download of Office Deployment Tool contains a sample configuration.xml. Check out the Reference for Click-to-Run configuration.xml file for a complete reference on what can be configured.

Aside of some minor additional options to the configuration XML, using the Office Deployment Tool hasn't change very much, so this article about how to configure and use Office Deployment Tool for Office 365 is still valid.

More information about updating to Offic  ...
edited by on October 8th 2015, at 12:25
When attempting to edit files from a Visual Studio or SQL Studio project, you get the following error:TF204017 The operation cannot be completed because the user does not have one or more required permissions (Use) for workspace ...

This is because you are attempting to edit files inside folders that have been added to someone else's workspace. By default, that user's workspace is set to private, resulting in all files being locked for anyone except that user.

To circumvent the issue, you can either copy them, properly configure TFS, or, as a workaround, ask the user to set his/her workspace to "public".

Start Visual Studio (2012).

Connect to the Team Foundation Server

In th  ...
edited by on October 6th 2015, at 13:44

You can download installation files and ISOs of any of the latest versions of VMWare Tools for each released version of ESX:

This is useful if you need support for a certain OS version but are not able to upgrade the ESX host in order to get it (e.g. Windows 10 support on ESX 5.5 "non-u3").

Note that, although officially unsupported, VMWare Tools is technically backwards compatible, meaning you can install a newer version on a guest running on an older ESX host.

edited by on October 6th 2015, at 13:37

Windows 10 is not out of the box supported on ESX 5.5, unless you're running 5.5u3. One of the issues is that earlier versions do not have a compatible video driver for Windows 10.

However, for older versions of ESX 5.5, you can manually download the VMWare Tools and install them:

edited by on September 30th 2015, at 15:11

If Outlook displays duplicate reminders for the same event, and you don't actually have two appointments with the same content, or the same PST/OST in your profile multiple, you probably have a corrupt reminder "folder", an internal hidden folder containing your reminders.

You can rebuild the reminder folder by exiting Outlook completely, then starting it with a parameter:

outlook /cleanreminders

You can start Outlook with this parameter through the Run dialog (Start → Run, or WinKey + R).

edited by on September 30th 2015, at 09:31

You can easily move the table to another filegroup by recreate the clustered index on the table:

ON dbo.YourTable(YourClusteringKeyFields)
ON [filegroup_name]

If the clustered index is unique:

ON dbo.YourTable(YourClusteringKeyFields)
ON [filegroup_name]

This creates a new clustered index and drops the old one. Because the new index is created in the other filegroup, the table will have been moved to that filegroup.

edited by on September 25th 2015, at 11:56

Assuming you have not configured that specific port as an L-Port, this can happen where the HBA did not completely log on to the fabric. This issue has been known to happen on Emulex HBAs.

To resolve, simply disable and re-enable the port on the SAN switch:

portdisable <port-number>
portenable <port-number>
edited by on September 25th 2015, at 10:00

You can check the warranty and support contract status of your HP products online. This includes the base warranty, support contracts and/or carepacks.

edited by on September 23rd 2015, at 14:22
By default, opening a PDF in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC also displays the Tools Pane, which can be annoying for some. While it is not possible to completely remove the toolbar, you can collapse it, but this gets reset each time some other document is opened. This behaviour can be turned off so the pane remains collapsed when opening other documents.

The setting is found in the Preferences:

in the menu click on Edit → Preferences, or press CTRL + K.

In the Categories list, click on Documents.

Unselect Open tools pane for each document, then click OK.

The very next time you open a document, the pane may still be visible if you haven't hidden it during the previous run, but if you collap  ...
edited by on September 23rd 2015, at 14:16
Since 2008, when a (local or domain) admin logs on a Windows Server, Server Manager is automatically started. This is often unwanted and tedious, especially with later versions, which take time to load and cannot be closed until they're done loading.

You can disable automatic startup of Server Manager through a group policy. Apply this to all your servers will prevent Server Manager from starting up, even on new servers and users logging on a server for the first time.

Create (or open an existing) group policy which gets applied to your servers.

In the policy, navigate to: Computer Configuration → Policies → Administrative Templates → System → Server Manager

Set Do no  ...
edited by on September 23rd 2015, at 11:17

When pinning Notepad2 to the taskbar in Windows 10, a duplicate icon is created. Unpinning the duplicate also removes the original icon, leaving you always with two icons on the taskbar.

To resolve, look for and remove the following line (located in the section [Settings2]) from the settings file %APPDATA\Notepad2.ini:


Save the file, then unpin and re-pin Notepad2 to the taskbar.

edited by on September 21st 2015, at 12:40

This one-liner will output a list of installed programs, similar to what you get when looking it up through Control Panel → Add/Remove Programs.

Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Select-Object -Property Name

The advantage of this cmdlet is that you can dump it to a text file:

Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Select-Object -Property Name > Software.txt

And through PS remoting, you can also run this on remote systems.

edited by on September 21st 2015, at 12:31

You can easily perform 'diff' style text comparisons with Powershell:

Compare-Object -ReferenceObject (Get-Content file1.txt) -DifferenceObject (Get-Content file2.txt)
edited by on September 17th 2015, at 16:40
Sometimes, it may be handy to know how many CALs in Exchange are now actually in use. In Exchange 2010 and 2013, this can be done very easily.

There are two types of Exchange CALs: Standard and Enterprise. For the majority, the CALs provide the same feature, accept for Enterprise, which has the following additional features:

Mailbox archiving

Per-mailbox journaling

Unified Messaging

If a mailbox uses any of these "enterprise" features, then it is treated as an Enterprise CAL. If not, it is a Standard CAL.

License compliancy
This process "calculates" the current required CALs, not the CALs you have purchased. It's up to you to determine whether you are compliant.

In  ...
edited by on September 16th 2015, at 17:24
After demoting a domain controller, the related event logs (DNS Server, File Replication Service, and Directory Service) are not removed. While this is technically not an issue, it can potentially confuse monitoring systems (SCOM inadvertently detects a DNS server while there is none). Or, perhaps you should want to be tidy.

Open regedit.

Navigate to:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog

This key contains a subkey, one for each event log. Remove the following keys to remove the event logs:Directory Service

File Replication Service

DNS Server

You do not need to reboot the server. The logs are immediately removed from the Event Viewer.

Although the change is effe  ...
edited by on September 16th 2015, at 10:16
If you want to do agentless monitoring of a Windows 2003 host, you need to configure WMI to allow remote querying.

Open Computer Management (Administrative Tools). Expand Services and Applications. Right-click WMI Control, then click Properties.

Select the Security tab, click the Root namespace, then click the Security button at the bottom.

Add the user that will need access to WMI. This is usually the service account running the System Center agent on the host that will monitor this host.When adding the account, be sure to allow for Remote Enable.

If Windows Firewall is in use, you also have to allow for remote management:

Open a command prompt.

Type the following to allow remote mana  ...
edited by on September 15th 2015, at 15:56
Rather than installing the Exchange 2013 management tools, you could also connect to the Exchange Management Shell (EMS) through Powershell "remoting".

Connect to EMS using the current credentials (i.e. the user running Powershell):

$session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri http://exchange-server-fqdn/PowerShell -Authentication KerberosImport-PSSession $session

Replace exchange-server-fqdn with the FQDN or IP address of the Exchange server you wish to connect to. With this command, you will be using the credentials of the current logged in user, and authenticate through Kerberos. If the user is not a organizational admin, you will be able to l  ...
edited by on September 11th 2015, at 11:31

Here are the download links for the old Java SE 6, 7 and 8 installers. You can download both the JRE and JDK from these pages.

(*) For Java SE 6 and 7, you'll need to create a free Oracle account to download.

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