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edited by on October 30th 2009, at 13:26
Since Office 2007 (and Vista), TWAIN has been kicked out in favour of WIA. As a result, it is no longer possible to use your favourite and robust TWAIN based scanner with Office 2007.
Most scanners come with the necessary software, and thus, you can circumvent the issue by using their software. However, there are various scanners - notably, office network scanners, like those on copiers, do not have such a tool. They have their driver's internal system which is callable in other software (like Office-applications). In the event that the driver is only supporting TWAIN interface for image acquisition, they do not show up in Vista's scanner list, and therefore, they cannot be used by Office 20  ...
edited by on October 28th 2009, at 15:50
Ran into an issue where I could not unlock files that were copied from a network location to local disk. The files were marked as being locked, but I was unable to unlock them (through Finder), even though I had all proper rights. Additionally, chmod as root (= user with the highest privileges) did not work either.

The solution to my issue was to manually override the locked flag of those files, from within a Terminal.

sudo chflags -R nouchg my-problem-file-or-dir

Additionally, I found that it sometimes is easier to completely reset/clear an ACL, and start over, rather than trying to fix the ACL. This can also be done in a Terminal.

sudo chmod -R -N my-problem-file-or-dir

This completel  ...
edited by on October 5th 2009, at 21:49
When running a Windows XP or 2003 in VirtualBox, under certain circumstances, the guest may generate a BSOD when booting. The message of the BSOD is a:


It is accompagnied by a referral to processr.sys, intelppm.sys or p3.sys, depending on the CPU used to install the machine.

The reason for this BSOD is a problem with these drivers, trying to perform an unsupported operation inside the virtual machine (like updating microcode or changing the power state of the CPU).
The issue usually surfaces when the guest machine is moved to a different system with different CPU time.

To resolve the issue, the processor drivers have to be disabled. T  ...
edited by on September 24th 2009, at 18:02

Found this article, showing you how to lock down Firefox.

This is quite useful when deploying Firefox on, for instance, a Terminal Server.

edited by on September 20th 2009, at 23:30
The 33rd Sanicole Airshow 2009 can definitely be called a success! An estimated 35 000 visitors came to the airfield of Hechtel to witness the yearly airshow held there. An absolute record, so it seems.

Some highlights of the show were: the Vulcan, Patrouille Suisse, and the Blades, the latter which threw in a bonus for the audience, as they flew in a never-seen formation with a Boeing 737 from Jetair. Additionally, this year's show teamed up with the international NATO Tiger Meet.


It's on this succesful airshow where Albatros, along with two other soaring clubs from Limburg (province of Belgium), presented the Liga van Vlaamse Zweefvliegclubs.

The three clubs have joined forces  ...
edited by on September 8th 2009, at 18:26
We had a bit of trouble with an Apache2 server, configured as a front-end proxy for a IIS running various different sites. The idea for this has grown because of the fact that our client had only one public IP address at the time, but had to run multiple sites. Rather than running the sites in IIS on different ports, we setup the Apache2 to proxy requests to the IIS back-end, so the sites were accessible by means of sub-urls.

http://myserver/mysubdomain1/ -> http://internal-ip:my-port/

For this, we used mod_proxy, and the ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse.

Lately, our client complained of regular errors when surfing the sites. Apache2 would give HTTP error 502 (Bad gateway) on the page  ...
edited by on September 7th 2009, at 20:34
Did you know that since version 10.4, Mac OSX has a VNC server built in? It was originally implemented to have remote control and management. Since 10.5 (where Apple Remote Desktop was implemented for remote managing), they have renamed it to screen sharing, but the principal remains the same.

To enable it, follow the instructions below.

The following guidelines are for Mac OSX 10.6, but they are roughly the same for other versions.

Open System Preferences.

Find the icon that says Sharing.

In the list of services at the left, select and enable Screen Sharing by ticking its checkbox.

By default, no authentication is set, and so, you cannot yet use VNC. To set the password, click o  ...
edited by on August 28th 2009, at 11:51

If you're looking for a better defrag, check out UltraDefrag:

Some highlights of the software (as told on their site):

  • Boot Time Defragmentation allows for defragmenting upon boot (like an antivirus), useful for system files, like the registry, the pagefile, ...
  • Option to shutdown the computer once defrag has completed.
  • Aside of defragging, there's also compacting, which rearranges data to the beginning of the disk, increasing performance and stability;
  • Single file and folder defragmentation, in case you only need to defrag an application or files that have just been placed on disk.
edited by on July 12th 2009, at 20:05

So I finally got my 15 hours of solo flight time in, and worked up the nerve to take the final check for obtaining my license. And guess what...

I succeeded in obtaining my license. Yes yes, it's still a license for solo flight (still 35h fly time to go), but it's a start.
Now I can start for competition training, etc. The worlds open up, again.

edited by on July 4th 2009, at 19:48

After 9 months, my nephew is finally born. His parents have named him Mathies.
And yes, he's just as cute as you would imagine.

edited by on May 17th 2009, at 12:41

During the course of the lifetime of a Windows Installation, you're bound to stack up on one or more devices that no longer exist. Additionally, some device (existing or not) with an attitude, could very well make your life a living hell.
Luckily, there's a solution, with this cool software:

edited by on April 29th 2009, at 19:48
Acquired a new appliance from Mini-ITX, which is to replace my current WRT54GL (flashed with OpenWRT White Russian).

Specs of the thing are:

Durable industry-standards housing, including a mount bracket for 2.5" disks

2x 1000 Ethernet, 4x 10/100 Ethernet, 2x USB 2.0, VGA, PS/2

VIA chipset with a VIA Eden 1ghz CPU, 1x DDR2 slot, 1x CF slot

1x IDE 2.5" port, 1x SATA port

I've equipped it with 512 MB RAM (standard was 256 MB), and a 4 GB CF card, and installed Debian Lenny i686 on it.

Because of the fact it's CF, I've tweaked the initramfs image of Debian so it uses overlaying for /var and /etc (using aufs) in RAMDISK, and mounting / as read-only. This allows me to save the f  ...
edited by on April 13th 2009, at 20:43

Up until now, I was flying my solos with a Twin Astir II. It's a 2 seat glider which we use at our club for training (among other things).
The instructors thought it was time I moved on to something else: a Club Astir (also known as the Jeans).

The Jeans is a one seater, sort of the 1-seat equivalent of the Twin Astir I (yes, there's a difference between Twin I and II). It's a small and swift craft; not very recent, and it's a bit fickleish at times. In short: I love it!


I'll be flying this for a while, at least until I've enough hours on the thing to move up to the next glider.

edited by on September 18th 2008, at 16:35
When you're using a Belgian keyboard (or another) on a Windows 2003 Terminal Server, you might have the same problem we had: characters that are formed with a combination of AltGr and other characters (e.g. the @ sign) don't work as they should.

There are two things you can do to work around this problem.

Instead of using AltGr, try using CTRL+ALT and the key you want. This circumvents the problem, but may not be what you want.

You can change the application of Windows key combinations. Rather than applying them to the TS, you can change it so it applies only to the local computer.
This disables the Alt+Tab and Windows key in the TS session, which is probably also not really what you want  ...
edited by on August 31st 2008, at 18:39
After a full year of education, I finally got the clearance (well, actually, my instructors basically forced me to do it) to go solo.


The experience of flying all alone is a bit weird at first. Knowing that you don't really have anyone to back you up, gives one a funny feeling. On the other hand, after the funny feelings are gone, there's the feeling of ultimate freedom, flying around in the sky with only you.
The very first flight didn't take long (some 15 minutes or so), but for myself, they were the longest 15 minutes ever (and I mean that in a good way).

A tradition among soaring pilots is the not-so-all-famous initiation ceremonial ritual thingy. All trai  ...
edited by on May 1st 2008, at 14:22
Currently, the Realtek R8168 driver does not work in a 2.6.24 kernel because of changes in the kernel structures. I found a patch on the Ubuntu Forums which adjusts the driver source so it can compile for a 2.6.24 kernel. The patch was written for 8.005.00, but I verified it working for 8.006.00 (latest version at time of writing). The patch is attached.

Download driver here.

Got the patch from here, but for your convenience, I've attached it to this article too.

Note that these instructions are also found on the page at Ubuntu Forums

After unpacking the driver, copy the patch in ./r8168-8.006.00/src/. Then run:

cd ./r8168-8.006.00/src/patch < r8168-8.005.00.hardy.diff.txt

Then comp  ...
edited by on April 22nd 2008, at 22:40

What would an OS says or think when copying files - let's say, about 100MB of MP3 - to an SD card?


What's an SD card?

Linux (bash)


Windows XP

Alright. Wait around a bit, and it'll be done. Don't ask me when, because I'm terrible at guessing.

Windows Vista

What? Me? Do you have any idea what you're asking of me? It requires careful planning: first see whether it all fits on your card, then calculating the time, and even then, I'm not sure if I'll do it. Maybe you should check back tomorrow; maybe I've gotten around to it by then, just maybe...

edited by on April 17th 2008, at 12:56

If you're using NAT for networking with your VMs, you need to use port forwarding if you want to access a VM from the outside network. This is a quick and dirty howto on how to do this in linux.

Fire up a terminal, and enter these commands:

VBoxManage setextradata nvm3 "VBoxInternal/Devices/pcnet/0/LUN#0/Config/ssh/HostPort" 28080
VBoxManage setextradata nvm3 "VBoxInternal/Devices/pcnet/0/LUN#0/Config/ssh/GuestPort" 28080
VBoxManage setextradata nvm3 "VBoxInternal/Devices/pcnet/0/LUN#0/Config/ssh/Protocol" TCP

In the sample above, I'm forwarding port 28080/tcp from the host to 28080/tcp on the guest. My VM's name is nvm3.

edited by on April 9th 2008, at 23:43
This summer, Albatros (the soaring club I'm flying at), is organizing a soaring flight camp. This camp is for both people that haven't flown yet, but would like to experience something totally different, as well as for the more experienced pilots, who which to further hone their skills.

The camp takes place from 14th of July 'til 21st of July. Registration is required.

More information and registration:

If you're not interested, but know someone who might, please refer them to the website. Sympathisers can download the PDF (contains the flyer) and distribute it. Thanks in advance for your support.

Note that the site   ...
edited by on April 8th 2008, at 09:18

Got a link to this article about best practices on keeping your inbox as empty as possible. Very useful for those that get a lot of mail at work:

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