Although 3CX has stopped development of the standalone Mac client, the latest version (although now a bit outdated) still works and is downloadable here:
Starting from Debian 10 ("Buster"), phpMyAdmin no longer exists as a package in the Debian repository. Instead, it needs to be installed manually. I found this article online which seems to explain the process very well:
Occassionally, it may be necessary to perform disk consolidation. If you have a lot of VMs which need consolidation, it can be tedious to do this in the webclient. Fortunately, it's also possible to mass-consolidate via PowerCLI.
Install and log in using PowerCLI.
To show which VM's need consolidation, run:
Get-VM | ? {$_.Extensiondata.Runtime.ConsolidationNeeded}
To actually perform disk consolidation, run:
Get-VM | ? {$_.Extensiondata.Runtime.ConsolidationNeeded} | % {$_.ExtensionData.ConsolidateVMDisks_Task()}
To successfully provision Snom phones using SRAPS, you'll need these access using these servers and protocols/ports.
If you need to perform packet captures on virtualized appliances, it can be useful to get a statically linked binary of "tcpdump" on hand, especially because tools such as a compiler or package repositories are not on hand on those appliances.
You can download the latest statically linked binary of "tcpdump" via Github:
Completely hiding Quick Access from the navigation tree in File Explorer can be achieved via the registry:
You may need to re-logon for the changes to take effect. You can also use group policies to apply this setting in a domain.
Here's the direct streaming link for Aardvark Blues FM. You can use this link in your favourite streaming app (VLC, Apple Music, etc.):
A while back, most of the references on streaming sites such as Icecast were removed, leaving only the webplayer available. As I found this not to be very handy, I started looking to find the original streaming link used in the webplayer.
Remote Desktop Manager Mac sometimes has issues with stale cache, especially after an update. Below is a simple one-liner/script I like to use for deleting all the cache files in a Remote Desktop Manager Mac installation.
#!/bin/bash find "$HOME/Library/Application Support/com.devolutions.remotedesktopmanager" -iname "*.mcdf2" -type f -delete