Similar as on FreeBSD and Linux, you can add/remove static network routes through the command line with the route command. The syntax somewhat differs from Linux, though.
To add a route (e.g. subnet to gateway
sudo route -n add -net
To remove a route:
sudo route -n delete -net
To show the current route table, you can use netstat:
netstat -nr
Cisco's SF/SG 300/500 series managed switches have CLI access via Telnet and SSH but this is turned off by default, leaving only the web interface to manage the switch. You can enable Telnet and/or SSH via the web interface, enabling management via CLI.
The actual serial number of a Barracuda NG Firewall can be obtained remotely in two ways:
A very useful guide on how to download specific files (such as older versions of games) on Steam:
DellEMC offers a free-to-try virtual appliance of DataDomain, allowing you to do a Try & Buy. You can download the appliance here:
A very useful blog article about killing active sessions to a compromised Office 365 account:
Starting from Windows 10 Creators Fall Update, you can use VT escape sequences to colorize the output to console. You can use this to colorize columns in Format-Table, too.
A sample snippet, colorizing the output based on the contents of the "Status" field:
$somelist | FT FirstName,LastName,@{l="Status";e={ switch ($_.Status) { "OK" {$color = 92; break} "NOT OK" {$color = 91; break} default {$color = 93} } "$e[${color}m$($_.Status)${e}[0m" }}
A complete list of color codes can be found here: