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edited by on March 26th 2007, at 20:08
Apparently, there's no package for MS-SQL support in Debian or Ubuntu. Why this is, is not very known, in particular since there is MS-SQL support in PHP4 and PHP5.
I found the following steps somewhere on the internet.

The following was tested on a Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy, but will probably work on others as well.
Also, whenever I refer to php5, it could well be replaced with php4, which I've tested as well.

First of, make sure the necessary build tools are installed:
# apt-get install build-essential debhelper

It's possible more tools are needed, depending on which ones have already been installed, but basically, if you can compile other packages from source, you should be good to go.

Next up  ...
edited by on March 17th 2007, at 09:39

It will be but a few days before I have both my eyes lasered. Glasses, fare thee well...

The actual operation will be on Thu March 22nd (that's only a few days away), with a checkup the day after (Fri that is). As a result, I still have the weekend to adjust to the new situation; after the weekend, I'm thrown back into the life of work and more work.

The procedure itself is called Lasik (short for LAser In SItu Keratomileusis). More information can be found on the internet or on this site (in Dutch though):

edited by on March 16th 2007, at 17:32

Because of relocation of my webhosting to another server housing, this site (and others on that particular server) will be unavailable.

The relocation is planned on Thu 15th February around 4am. Expected downtime should be about 2 hours (depending on traffic ;-) ).

edited by on February 11th 2007, at 19:50
Installing Internet Explorer was never so easy with IEs4linux, a script that does all the work for you. Download and try it now:

It's really easy, but here's how I did it. Note that the instructions are also on the website of IEs4linux.

First, make sure the required software is installed:

wine: very obvious, you need this to run the installed IEs;

cabextract: required to unpack the CAB files that get downloaded.

You don't need to backup your current ~/.wine/ directory, as IEs4linux created a separate profile for the IEs. If you do happen to need IE for your other apps, it's best to start with a clean profile, as a profile with other apps installed   ...
edited by on February 10th 2007, at 19:06
Was upgrading a bit on my laptop (amd64), and this included udev and baselayout.
After a reboot, my whole system did funny things. All was retraceable to one thing: the system was automatically loading modules as it pleases, which caused all kinds of problems...

I have a pretty custom configured system concerning hardware.
By default, I only use wireless, and thus don't load the local netif modules (Realtek 8139) and definitely not the IEEE1394 (Firewire) link, as I very rarely us this for networking (and when I do, it's mainly for high-speed p2p transfer - no I don't have gigabit network).
Secondly, I have both my onboard sound card, as well as my Audigy 2 PCCARD configured. Naturally, the  ...
edited by on February 4th 2007, at 16:03
Thought it was time to do a reinstall of my server/development pc (called Ayanami)...

Since it was more of a hassle to do an update (especially with the gcc update from 3.4 to 4.1), I decided to do a reinstall.
I wiped out my very old 2005.0 install cd, mkfs'ed the / and /boot and downloaded the 2006.1 stage3 and latest portage. Installation went smoothly, and it's currently merging the necessary stuff: Apache2, PHP (apparently Gentoo has moved to PHP5 as the default), MySQL5, etc.
Later on, I'll probably install a desktop environment as well, but haven't really decided whether I stick with KDE, or move to another one. The eventual idea is to get a TV-tuner card (probably some bttv-chipset)  ...
edited by on January 31st 2007, at 20:50
Did an upgrade of my Linksys WRT54GL to the latest OpenWRT firmware. These are roughly the steps I followed.

My old firmware was a OpenWRT rc5, default release. For my new firmware, I used the ImageBuilder to create a more customized firmware with a lot of packages (such as ntpclient, openvpn, nas, gpio, ...) preinstalled in the squashfs image. I left the new Webif^2 out on purpose, as it's updated at a fair regular base. The image (which has it's build list attached) is called cad, which is because I originally selected it for use with routers at work.

Anyway, updating my WRT54GL, was not as straight-forward as I had hoped. The upgrade firmware function of both Webif and Webif^2 did not w  ...
edited by on January 30th 2007, at 23:07
For work, I started experimenting with writing C programs for (flashed) Linksys WRT54GL routers.

Basically, the WRT54GL routers are running OpenWRT, a very lightweight linux distro, specifically designed for those type of routers. The router uses a Broadcom CPU, and uses the MIPS architecture. For more information, check the OpenWRT site at

At first, I was a bit worried about the differences between the full availability of the GNU C Libary, and the very slim version on the OpenWRT distro. Luckily, I quickly found out that the C Library on OpenWRT has the most used functions well covered.

Compiling C programs for MIPS might seem tricky (since you can't plainly fire up  ...
edited by on January 19th 2007, at 17:10

iTunes, iPod, iPhone, ... Everything with an i is the self-proclaimed way to the future. But technology spreads even further...

As I was cleaning out the spam quarantine box at work, I stumbled upon this promising title:

Is this the result of a merger between Apple and the plastic surgery industry? No, it wasn't, just a promising title but with zero content... ;-)

edited by on January 8th 2007, at 21:23
With the life cycle of White Russian coming to an end, and the advancement in development seeming to dry out a bit in favor of Kamikaze, some people have released a rework of WebIf, called WebIf^2 (downloadable at

Currently, the interface only works on White Russian RC5, RC6 and 0.9 (at time of writing not yet released), but they are working on Kamikaze support - the main reason for lack of support is the difference between how configuration is handled between the two major builds.

The new web-interface can be installed without a hitch on your already existing OpenWRT install (provided it's one of the supported releases), and replaces the current WebIf version, with  ...
edited by on January 1st 2007, at 14:21

I said to post some more pictures about our christmas tree, and with presents, so here they are...

A picture of the presents, taken at christmas morning (well, if you can still call 1pm morning).

And of course, after the wonderful meal (I have photos of that as well, but don't want to bore you), the long awaited unwrapping of the presents: happiness all around!


And finally, once again to you all: happy holidays!

edited by on January 1st 2007, at 14:08

Happy new year to you all!!

edited by on December 18th 2006, at 17:04

Christmas in coming up...
Time to set up the tree, and get presents under it...

Here are some pics of this year's tree...


At the moment it's still missing presents.
The pics look a little dark. It's because I took them without flash, which gives it a much better effect, and bring out the little lights a bit more.
Later on, I'll make some more, with flash (and hopefully with some presents under it ;) ).

edited by on December 18th 2006, at 16:57

Ever wondered how much disk i/o is taking place on your linux-based server (or workstation)?

Here are some commands:


The iostat makes a snapshot of each available physical volume, and shows the current reads and writes of the volumes.

dstat -dnyc -f 5

dstat is a more advanced code, and measures both disk i/o as well as network i/o in near realtime.

edited by on December 3rd 2006, at 21:20
After my regular DVD shop tempted me once more with the full set of James Bond DVD's, and again with another price drop, I could no longer resist. Ordered the entire set, in a deluxe case. Only a few days later, I could pick it up at the Kiala delivery point...

Unpacking the case was not that easy: the case was heavily wrapped in plastic, put in a box, and that box put in another box, taped pretty shut.

Once unpacked, I opened up the case and discovered the 20 double-DVD's, sorted according to date of the movie, starting with Dr. No - the oldest - in the upper left corner, and finishing with Die Another Day - the newest - in the lower right corner (see picture).

The upcoming holidays   ...
edited by on November 27th 2006, at 21:28

Got this link from a colleague:

It describes the inner workings of Postfix, the well-known mailserver for Linux.

edited by on November 26th 2006, at 15:18
Since it was my birthday, and due to the lack of presents, I found it to be quite normal that I got a present for myself. A quick visit to my computer supplier, delivered me this thing of beauty: a water-cooled ATI Radeon X1950XT from MSI.

It was a bit necessary for me to upgrade the videocard. Although my old X850 was pretty fast, it missed a few things. Since I'm a huge fan of TES4 Oblivion, I thought it would be nice to spend a little to get more out of the game, especially because Oblivion is already a pretty heavy game to run. As it was with my X850, I missed out on HDR, which seriously improves the in-game looks. And of course, 256MB VRAM was a bit tight; the game would often run out   ...
by on January 1st 1970, at 01:00
To configure SSH access, and disable Telnet, follow these steps.

Enable the new AAA model and configure a user account and optional enable password:aaa new-modelusername cisco secret 0 ciscoenable secret 0 cisco

Generate SSH keys and set up time-out and other parameters:ip domain name some-domain.comcrypto key generate rsaip ssh version 2ip ssh time-out 60ip ssh authentication-retries 2

When generating SSH keys, you first need to specify a domain name. You will also be prompted to enter the modulus bit rate. Although 1024 is suggested, it is recommended to set it to 2048 as lower is deprecated.

Optionally, to disable Telent access, explicitly set the transport:line vty 0 4transport inp  ...
by on January 1st 1970, at 01:00
To factory reset a Cisco Catalyst 9200 series switch (e.g. when you can no longer log in or have forgotten the password), you can factory reset the switch through physical access and a serial console connection.

First, connect the serial console cable and verify whether you have access to the serial console. Also, verify whether you have physical access to the switch and can unplug the power.

Unplug the power cable to power down the switch. While holding down the button at the left top corner (next to the "S" LED), plug in back in. Keep the button pressed for at least 10 seconds, until the "S" LED is solid green. The console output will also state the boot from "pa  ...
by on January 1st 1970, at 01:00
When syncing a OneDrive business account, the root folder name consists of "OneDrive" followed by the company name as registered in M365, e.g. "OneDrive - My Company Ltd.". For certain companies with longer names, this could result in lengthy folder names. There is a way to change (rename) this folder, though.

Completely quit the OneDrive application.

Using either Finder or Terminal, navigate to the folder: ~/Library/Containers/ Support/OneDrive/settings/Business1/

There are a few INI-files in there. One will be a randomized SID-like number, followed by .ini, e.g. a183b583-a64a-28fd-818a-b4918a569c95.ini. Open this fil  ...
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