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edited by on April 6th 2017, at 10:35
Differentiating users that are synchronized from an on-premise AD and users created in Office 365 is easy when logged in through the Office 365 Portal. When using Powershell, it's another matter. While there's a parameter for Get-MsolUser to show only synchronized users, the ability to filter on only cloud users is missing. However, as cloud-only users do not have the ImmutableID set, you can build your own filter.

This one's obvious:

Get-MsolUser -All -Synchronized

You can filter on ImmutableID as it's not set for cloud-only users:

Get-MsolUser -All | ? ImmutableID -eq $null

If you want to filter out external users (i.e. if you shared something in Sharepoint Online with users that aren  ...
edited by on April 3rd 2017, at 14:44

You can download the latest version of iSCSI Initiator for Windows 2000, 2003 and XP. This will upgrade any previously installed version to the latest version:

edited by on April 3rd 2017, at 11:14

You can download old releases of pfSense, all the way back to 1.0.1, from here:

edited by on March 29th 2017, at 11:42

Duplicate Files Finder is a fast application which checks duplicate files by comparing its file sizes. Because of the method it uses, it is extremely fast but not very accurate. It is available for Windows only.

dupeGuru is more specialized application for finding duplicate files as it compares by contents as well. It is primarily available for Linux and Mac OSX but although no longer developed for Windows, you can download an older version of the program for use on Windows.

edited by on February 20th 2017, at 14:53
When provisioning non-Cisco phones on a Cisco-switched network, you may notice that the configured voice VLAN is not correctly provisioned to the phone. The phone ends up in the data VLAN, rather than the voice VLAN even though the switch port has been correctly configured.

There are two protocols which can be used to provision the correct VLAN to your phones: Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) and Link-Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP). CDP is a proprietary protocol and is only supported on Cisco-switches and Cisco-phones. Non-Cisco devices usually use LLDP, which is an open standard supported by most other vendors. Although Cisco switches also support LLDP, it is by default not enabled, resulti  ...
edited by on February 16th 2017, at 10:08

It is possible to install the integration plugins for VMware on an ESX host directly from the Nimble website, provided your hosts have internet access:

  1. Place the host into maintenance mode.
  2. Connect to the host through a shell (e.g. SSH).
  3. Run the command:
    esxcli software vib install -d
    Wait for the installation to complete.
  4. Take the host out of maintenance mode and continue with the configuration.
edited by on January 31st 2017, at 08:55
When installing Sonicwall NetExtender 8.0.241 or later on Windows 7, you may get the following error:

"Damaged version of net extender detected on your system. Please re download net extender"

The reason for this error is you probably are missing Windows Update KB3033929, which adds SHA256 support into Windows. Because SHA256 certificates are now the new norm, the latest Sonicwall certificates also use this hashing algorithm. Without the update, Windows 7 and Server 2008R2 do not have support for SHA256.

You can resolve the issue by installing the update, then reinstalling NetExtender:

Download and install KB3033929.

Uninstall Sonicwall NetExtender (via Control Panel).

Delete  ...
edited by on January 30th 2017, at 11:33
Since Mac OSX Lion (10.7), it is possible to open a Terminal from a Finder window, similar to "Open Command Prompt" in Windows. The feature is available as a service and is by default disabled, but when enabled, it allows you to click a folder and then perform "Open Terminal", which will launch a terminal window at the specified folder.

To enable the "Open Terminal" service:

From Finder, click the Finder application menu, then under the Services menu, click Services Preferences.Alternatively, open System Preferences, click Keyboard, then Shortcuts and in the left pane, click Services.

In the right pane, scroll down to Files and Folders, and look for New Termi  ...
edited by on January 23rd 2017, at 11:03
In a hybrid Exchange environment, you may get an error when attempting to log in to Office 365 when performing a management task involving Office 365. When clicking the "Sign in to Office 365" link, the following error is displayed:

critical error
The web page isn't loading correctly. Please reload the page by refreshing your browser.

Technical information: Unable to set the property "mkt" of a null reference or undefined

Not really a solution, but you can work around the issue by performing these steps:

In EAC, navigate to Hybrid.

Click Modify.

Click Sign in to Office 365, type in your Office 365 username and password.

Once logged in, click on the Enterprise tab and try per  ...
edited by on January 23rd 2017, at 10:17

If you have the Exchange Management Tools installed, you can easily import the Exchange module into a standard Powershell by running the Add-PSSnapin cmdlet.

Depending on the Exchange version, the module to add is slightly different:

Exchange 2007Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.Admin
Exchange 2010Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010
Exchange 2013Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.SnapIn

If you're not sure about the version, you can also use wildcard characters:

Add-PSSnapin *Exchange*

If you don't want to install the management tools, you can also use PS remoting to remotely access the management shell from a standard Powershell.

edited by on January 23rd 2017, at 08:57
One of the most pertinent changes to Windows 10 is how updates are being installed. Unless your computer is using WSUS or some other corporate solution, you do not have the ability to select which updates to install and which not to install. This includes drivers and feature updates (such as the Anniversary Update). While it is usually recommended to install all updates, sometimes it is not wanted, e.g. because of system instability, or simply, because you don't want a particular update (e.g. Anniversary Update). To meet customer's demand, Microsoft has released a tool to reintroduce the "hide an update" function of older Windows versions.

The tool allows you to "hide" s  ...
edited by on January 19th 2017, at 16:49

With PowerCLI, you can generate all sorts of lists. To retrieve the configured and reported OS version of your VMs, try running this one-liner:

Get-VM | Sort | 
   Get-View -Property @("Name", "Config.GuestFullName", "Guest.GuestFullName", "Guest.IpAddress") | 
   Select -Property Name, 
       @{N="Configured OS";E={$_.Config.GuestFullName}},
       @{N="Running OS";E={$_.Guest.GuestFullName}},
       @{N="IP Address";E={@($_.Guest.IpAddress)}} | 
   Export-CSV -Delimiter ";" -Path "vms.csv"
edited by on January 19th 2017, at 14:49
ADMT stands for Active Directory Migration Tool and is used to migrate AD objects (such as users, groups, computers, etc.) from one AD forest or domain to another, supporting complex scenarios in the process.

Why Microsoft hides their most useful tools is a mystery though. So here are the download links. You will need to accept some EULAs and have a Microsoft Account if you wish to download it though.

Navigate to

If you have not done so, you will have to log on with a Microsoft Account and join the program and accept its EULA things.

Then, you will be able to click through to the download page and download ADMT version 3.2, and, if req  ...
edited by on January 10th 2017, at 14:42
If your ESX host has lost connection to the vCenter server, but you can still directly access the host's management, and can find nothing else wrong with the vCenter server or its network connection to the host, you may want to the free space on your ESX host.

Logs and other temporary files may have filled up one or more ramdisk partitions (e.g. when you don't have a persistent scratch partition, it gets mounted on /tmp). This can cause any of the following issues:

Connection loss between the ESX host and vCenter server;

Errors when attempting to reconnect or add an ESX host to a vCenter server;

Errors while attempting to activate or configure HA;

Other unexplainable errors...

You can   ...
edited by on January 10th 2017, at 14:38
If the scratch partition (/tmp) gets filled up, check for the presence of the file ql_ima.log. If it is present, you are bothered by a bug from an older version of the qla4xxx driver. Even if you use Update Manager, this driver does not get updated automatically. The solution is add the driver to Update Manager or download and install the update manually.

This procedure describes the manual installation of the update on your ESX host. There's no need to put the host in maintenance mode but you will have to reboot to use the new driver.

Download the driver (you need a VMware account):

VMware 5.5

VMware 6.0

Unpack the download and copy the file qla4xxx-634.55.28.0-offline_bundle-1682448.z  ...
edited by on January 9th 2017, at 16:33
A new Powershell module, called Azure AD v2 is available to manage Office365 from Powershell, and is now the preferred method for managing Office365 tenants from Powershell. Unlike the older MSOnline module, you need to download and install this version from the Powershell Gallery, for which there is no direct download link.

Windows 10 already has the PowershellGet module needed to download modules from Powershell Gallery, so all you need to do is run the following in an elevated Powershell:

Install-Module AzureAD

You may get a message about NuGet provider is required to continue. You can safely confirm this.

Everything pre-Windows 10 and starting from Windows 7 SP1 and 2008R2 SP1, you n  ...
edited by on December 16th 2016, at 16:00
In iOS 10 it seems it is no longer possible to hang up a call on your iPhone when it is locked. In past release, the controls to hang up a call would automatically appear when moving or waking up the phone, but now you simply see the number or contact you're calling and the call time. It seems the call control buttons have gone, and to end the call, you have to unlock the phone, go to the Phone app and end the call from there, which is a hassle.

When looking on the internet about this, a lot of people think this is a bug, but actually, it's not... Apple has changed the behaviour because of the new way to unlock your phone (pressing the Home button rather than swiping).

To end the call, tap  ...
edited by on December 15th 2016, at 14:48

Ned Pyle from Microsoft TechNet wrote an article about DCDiag, explaining in detail what it actually does.

Read full article on TechNet.

edited by on December 14th 2016, at 16:29

Terry Zink, an MVP, wrote a good article about the difficulty most common e-mail filters have at stopping phishing impersonation attacks using simple display tricks.

Full article:

edited by on December 9th 2016, at 10:53
When deploying a vShield Manager VA, its IP address is set to DHCP by default. Once deployed and started, you can log on through the console to change it to a fixed IP.

Open a VMWare console to the appliance and log on:

manager login: adminPassword: ****** (the CLI 'admin' password you entered during the deployment)

Go into enable mode and enter the setup:

manager> enablePassword: ****** (the enable password you entered during the deployment)manager# setup

Enter the IP address, subnet mask, gateway and DNS settings. When finished, you will be prompted to log out.

Note that after setting the IP address, I had to restart the appliance because the web interface was only accessible on t  ...
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