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edited by on October 22nd 2020, at 14:35
You can manually trigger an update of Office Click-to-Run installations, without starting any of the Office applications. This can be useful in VDI-environments where it may be necessary to update Office in the source image.

To trigger the update, start the Click-to-Run client with the /update switch.

Perform the update (will show a progress bar):

"C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\ClickToRun\OfficeC2RClient.exe" /update user

Silently perform the update (don't show progress bar and force Office apps to restart):

"C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\ClickToRun\OfficeC2RClient.exe" /update user displaylevel=false forceappshutdown=true

Both comm  ...
edited by on August 28th 2020, at 10:40

You can manually start a filesystem clean from the CLI:

  1. Log into the CLI using SSH (or via serial) using an account with admin privileges.
  2. To check how much space you will gain by running the clean, type:
    filesys show space
    The column Cleanable GiB will show the amount of storage that will be cleaned.
  3. Start the filesystem clean by typing:
    filesys clean start
  4. To monitor the process, type:
    filesys clean watch
    The monitor will run continuously in the CLI. Use Control + C to return to the prompt.
edited by on August 27th 2020, at 15:16

In a Mailman + ISPConfig type of setup, you may get the following error while sending an e-mail to the mailing list:

550 5.1.1 <>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual mailbox table

When looking at the virtual aliases (in /var/lib/mailman/data/), the lists are empty.

You can resolve this by regenerating the aliases:

sudo /var/lib/mailman/bin/genaliases
sudo postmap /var/lib/mailman/data/transport-mailman
sudo postmap /var/lib/mailman/data/virtual-mailman

Afterwards, restart Postfix:

sudo service postfix restart
edited by on July 17th 2020, at 12:35

The official information page about the long-standing Windows DNS Server Remote Code Execution Vulnerability:

edited by on June 26th 2020, at 12:34

By default, the FortiClient will start up automatically when starting macOS. This may not always be desirable but fortunately, auto-start can be disabled quite easily.

The FortiClient launch agent is located at /Library/LaunchAgents/com.fortinet.forticlient.fct_launcher.plist. Use any text editor to open and edit this file, but you probably will need to do this using Terminal and using sudo to launch a text-based text editor (e.g. vi or nano).

With the file open, look for these lines:


Change true to false and save the file. Note that updates to the FortiClient may overwrite the change.

edited by on June 13th 2020, at 16:05

When you're using your Synology exclusively as a iSCSI target, and have assigned the complete disk space to your LUN's, you will get notifications about the volume being (almost) completely full. Obviously, in this case, you may not want to receive these notifications. Luckily, you can turn these off:

  1. Log on to your DSM.
  2. Navigate to Control Panel → Notification → Advanced tab. In the list, expand Internal storage.
  3. Uncheck the notifications for Volume in low capacity and Volume in extremely low capacity. Click Apply to save the changes.

Note that this will only disable the notifications (e-mail, SMS, etc.). The widget and WebUI will still show the alerts.

edited by on May 14th 2020, at 12:20
You can force-trigger storage DRS recommendations (and possible subsequent storage vMotions) through PowerCLI.

Run the snippet below, replacing the value of $dscName to match the name of the datastore cluster you wish to trigger the DRS recommendation on:

$dscName = 'DatastoreCluster1'$dsc = Get-View -ViewType StoragePod -Filter @{'Name'=$dscName}$si = Get-View ServiceInstance$storMgr = Get-View -Id $si.Content.StorageResourceManager$storMgr.RefreshStorageDrsRecommendation($dsc.MoRef)$dsc.UpdateViewData()if($dsc.PodStorageDrsEntry.Recommendation){ $dsc.PodStorageDrsEntry.Recommendation | %{ $storMgr.ApplyStorageDrsRecommendationToPod_Task($dsc.MoRef,$_.Key) }}

edited by on May 14th 2020, at 12:17

If the webclient is letting you down, you can also use PowerCLI to expand datastores.

First, as usual, expand the volume on the storage level. Then, fire up PowerCLI, log on to the vCenter/host and run the following script, replacing the name of the datastore you wish to expand:

$name = 'Datastore1'
$datastore = Get-Datastore $name
$esxi = Get-View -Id ($Datastore.ExtensionData.Host | Select -Last 1 | Select -ExpandProperty Key) 
$datastoreSystem = Get-View -Id $esxi.ConfigManager.DatastoreSystem
$expandOptions = $datastoreSystem.QueryVmfsDatastoreExpandOptions($datastore.ExtensionData.MoRef)
edited by on May 13th 2020, at 10:00
This article is a reference guide for updating the firmware on switches. As I handle a broad range of switch vendors and models, I got tired of looking up the commands, and decided to bundle it all here in one place for easy reference.

Note that this document is not a step-by-step guide to update a specific switch but rather a reference for which CLI-commands to use.

First, look up current version and active boot bank. Can be either A: or B:

show boot system stack-unit 1upgrade system tftp:// B:conf tboot system stack-unit 1 primary system://Bendwr memreload

When upgrading from USB-stick, change tftp:// to usbflash://. USB-stick needs to be FAT32.

To do

edited by on May 8th 2020, at 09:30

The certificate for HiveManager NG has expired on October 23, 2019. As a result, Dell N Series switches running an older firmware or an older version of the HiveAgent, can no longer connect or be connected to HiveManager NG after this date.

The solution is to either update the switch firmware to at least, or manually update the HiveAgent to 1.1.29.

More information:

edited by on April 20th 2020, at 09:50
When attempting to add new Remote Desktop Session Hosts (RDSH) to a session host collection, you may run into the following error message:

Unable to retrieve the session collection properties

This error can possibly be accompanied by additional messages.

When checking the logs, you apparently cannot find anything wrong with the collections: they show up correctly in Server Manager and users can still log on to the collection using existing servers.

Sometimes it can happen that the security descriptors of one of the collections get corrupted, in which case it is not possible to add a new session host, whether it's through Server Manager or through Powershell.

The problematic collec  ...
edited by on March 27th 2020, at 14:13
It is possible to convert a QSFP or QSFP+ port to an single SFP or SFP+ port using the Quad to Small Form Factor Pluggable Adapter (QSA). However, in order for this to work, you'll need to configure the QSFP+ port into break-out mode to 4x10Gbps, similar like you would when using actual QSFP to 4xSFP break-out cables.

For OS10, the CLI for this action is:

interface breakout 1/1/7 map 10g-4x

This will break out the interface 1/1/7/ to 4 10Gbps links, which translates to these interfaces on the switch: 1/1/7:1, 1/1/7:2, 1/1/7:3 and 1/1/7:4:

show interface status ------------------------------------------------------------------Port Description Status Spe  ...
edited by on March 27th 2020, at 11:52
On a Windows DHCP Server, if you have a lot of DHCP reservations in a particular scope on a server, and you have the need to migrate them to another scope (on the same or another server), you can do so quickly through netsh (a "legacy" command-line tool to perform network configuration on a Windows system).

Fire up a command prompt (or Powershell). First dump, the current scope configuration to a text file:

netsh dhcp server <serverIPAddress> scope <scopeAddress> dump > dump.txt

Note that if you run the command on the server where the originating scope is located, you don't need to specify the IP address/hostname of the server.

Open the text file with your favour  ...
edited by on March 20th 2020, at 16:02

With the strong increase in hackers targeting Office 365 tenants, it may be useful to see who has Global Administrator access in your tenant. This can be done either via the Office 365 Portal but also through Powershell.

Note: be sure to install the required Powershell cmdlets before attempting this.

Connect to your Office 365 tenant:


To retrieve a list of users with the Global Administrator role, run this:

Get-MsolRoleMember -RoleObjectId $(Get-MsolRole -RoleName "Company Administrator").ObjectId | Select DisplayName,EmailAddress

You can append Export-Csv to export the list to a CSV-file.

edited by on March 17th 2020, at 09:26
If you wish to use TLS, or are using TLS authentication in a Office 365 Hybrid environment, and have manually changed or renewed the SSL certificate, you may still get errors about unable to initiate the TLS session (STARTTLS), even though the SSL certificate has been correctly renewed. Just setting the SSL certificate to be used with SMTP is not enough to make TLS work correctly. You also need to (re-)configure the TLS certificate name on your send and receive connectors.

As stated by the manual:

The TlsCertificateName parameter specifies the X.509 certificate to use with TLS sessions and secure mail. Valid input for this parameter is [I]Issuer[S]Subject. The Issuer val  ...
edited by on February 20th 2020, at 16:47

By default, macOS'es Quick Look functionality caches previews of all files, even those found on file shares or encrypted file systems. This may not be what you want. Fortunately, you can disable Quick Look caching.

Open Terminal and type in these commands:

qlmanage -r disablecache
qlmanage -r cache
rm -rf $TMPDIR/../C/
edited by on January 21st 2020, at 15:11
For people using Windows 10 LTSC builds, where the Windows Photos app is not available (and not installable), or for people with nostalgic feelings, you can restore the original Windows Photo Viewer from Windows 7.

The full article with registry hacks can be found here: It reactivates Windows Photo Viewer as an option to open image files with, though you still need to manually make the association.

In a corporate environment, to force the file association to Windows Photo Viewer for various common file types, you can do so through GPO by creating a file associations XML:

<?xml version="1.0&qu  ...
edited by on January 13th 2020, at 14:50

If you want to set the Dock size in macOS to a specific value, you can use the Terminal to do so:

defaults write tilesize -int 32; killall Dock

This will set the icon size to 32px, and then restart Dock. To get the current value of the Dock size:

defaults read tilesize
edited by on January 7th 2020, at 11:40
It is still possible to provision the Panasonic KX-TGP500B01 on 3CX version 16 (tested with 16 update 3), even though it is deprecated, by following the instructions outlined here.

The phone template is no longer available but can be obtained by fetching it from 3CX version 14 or 15. Most people no longer have this running so as an alternative, you can grab the template from this article. The firmware files are still available for download from the 3CX website (see forementioned link).

Note that the same limitations to the phone usage apply, and with the template it is not possible to add the base station as a FXS/DECT device. Only the first handset is provisionable, additional handsets mu  ...
edited by on December 12th 2019, at 12:53

The original version of Boxer is currently no longer in development. Being still 32-bit, it doesn't run on macOS Catalina. Luckily, some people are working on making Boxer 64-bit and have already some success.

You can follow the thread here on github and includes some working downloads.

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