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edited by on February 23rd 2013, at 11:13
Windows SBS has a nasty habbit of taking forever to shutdown/restart. This is because there's a built-in waiting mechanism to allow enough time for the Exchange-services to shutdown. Unfortunately this delay is usually a whole lot longer than it normally would take if you were to stop the Exchange-services yourself. Because the delay does no longer occur when the Exchange-services are already stopped manually, I usually tend to stop Exchange first, then do the shutdown/restart.

Because Exchange consists of many services, at work, we wrote some helper scripts to stop all Exchange-services with only a mouse click, allowing for a quicker shutdown/restart of a server. I've decided to share thes  ...
edited by on February 23rd 2013, at 11:02

It's possible for Synology devices running DSM 3 or higher to enable support for NTFS ACL's. This allows Windows-users to set up Security through Windows Explorer itself. Most of the ACL types are supported.

NTFS ACL's have to be enabled for a share through the web-interface:

edited by on February 13th 2013, at 16:41
After upgrading ESXi to 5.1 on an USB device, you may get a warning message stating that the system logs are stored on non-persistent storage.

Since version 5.1, system logs are kept on the default scrap partition. If it's not specified, it defaults to ramdisk, which is non-persistent; upon rebooting, the system logs will be cleared.

To resolve the issue, you can manually specify a location for the logs to be stored. This can be any configured datastore (VMFS or NFS). To configure this, go to the configuration of your ESXi host, Software, Advanced Settings.

In the tree on your left, find the Syslog, global configuration section and enter a datastore name in the field  ...
edited by on February 8th 2013, at 14:03

Restarting OpenVPN on the CLI of a pfSense can be done using the following command:

echo "<?php include(''); openvpn_resync_all();?>" | php -q

This issues a restart command as if you would via the web-interface.

edited by on January 18th 2013, at 13:10

OpenVPN is finally available on Apple iOS!

This means you will now be able to connect through OpenVPN via your iPhone and iPad devices. It is available through the AppStore:

More info about OpenVPN on pfSense:

edited by on January 16th 2013, at 17:57

To get this done, you need to install the proper update, downloaded from

Then, in the application that uses HTML Help, set its compatibility to Windows 98 / Windows Me.

edited by on January 10th 2013, at 17:53

You can disable SSL in fetchmail by adding this line to your rc file:

sslproto ssl23

This restricts fetchmail to only use SSLv2 and SSLv3, disabling TLSv1. Note that this will cause the connection to be unencrypted, unless you use a proper SSL plugin, or SSL is requested explicitly.

edited by on January 8th 2013, at 17:33

If you're missing one of the required Windows Update services, you can use the attached registry fixes to re-register the services in Windows.

Be sure to check the proper architecture (32/64 bits) and OS version when downloading the registry fixes. Use only as a last resort.
edited by on January 8th 2013, at 12:07

I found NcFTP to be a useful toolkit for use in scripting. Aside of a linux version, it also has precompiled binaries for Mac and Windows.

The toolkit contains different programs which are very useful for use in various scripting (such as automatic file upload/download, and more). Both regular FTP and SFTP are supported.

edited by on January 8th 2013, at 12:05

A little late, but still... I wish everyone a Happy New Year!!

edited by on December 19th 2012, at 16:27

You may get error 8024A000 when checking for updates with Windows Update.

If you have recently changed your partition layout (resizing) or put in a new HD, you may get this error. The solution that seemed to work in my case, is to download and install the latest Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver (I know, what has this got to do with Windows Update, right?). After installation, Windows redetects the disks and, for some reason, Windows Update suddenly comes to life again.

edited by on December 10th 2012, at 13:19

It's very easy to stop the currently running backup of Windows Server Backup. Run this at a command prompt:

wbadmin stop job

You can add -quiet to disable the prompt.

edited by on November 28th 2012, at 13:02

An Asterisk TAPI driver, which is actually usable on Terminal Server:

It's not freeware, but is absolutely affordable, and is usable on Terminal Server (multi-user profiles).

edited by on November 26th 2012, at 17:42

Google Chrome can start up in fullscreen (F11) by default. This is done by enabling Kiosk-mode during startup. To do this, set the shortcut to Chrome like so:

C:\path\to\chrome.exe --kiosk
edited by on November 7th 2012, at 15:51

Windows 7 has a an application called Sticky Notes, which does just that. The contents and layout of the stickies are stored in a single file: %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Sticky Notes\StickyNotes.snt

If you wish to backup or transfer your sticky notes, this is the file you need. When restoring, simply place the file in the same location and you're done with it.

edited by on November 6th 2012, at 17:22
When your DC replication has halted, check whether there's an entry in the event log: NTFRS event id 13568 (JRNL_WRAP_ERROR).

This error occurs when the DC on which this event id is generated has been powered off unexpectedly, or when the system volume was full. The error signifies that the database journal (used during replication) has been cut off, resulting in the replication being halted, which is by design.

To resolve, you can tell NtFRS to automatically repair the problem and continue with the replication by changing the value of a certain registry parameter. The parameter can be found at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NtFrs\Parameters\Backup/Restore\Process at   ...
edited by on November 5th 2012, at 17:53

If the scan-to function of your networked Brother MFC mysteriously stops working, it may be because of strict firewall settings. The scanner attempts to connect to the Brother ControlCenter software on your PC via a directed UDP connection to your computer. If this is blocked at your computer (by e.g. a firewall), the scan function no longer works.

To resolve, open up port UDP 54925 in your firewall.

For Network PC-FAX, you also have to open port UDP 54926.

edited by on November 5th 2012, at 17:40
When using offline files/folders, it sometimes goes very wrong, leaving the whole sync of offline files in an unusable state. I personally had problems with a lot of clients that used this feature. In theory, it works nicely, but every now and then, it's prone to go very bad.

The biggest issue is that as a user, you don't really have much control on the whole process, making it difficult to adequately resolve problems. And when it does go wrong, even what little you still can configure and change, becomes inaccessible, resulting in an offline files system that's completely dead.

Luckily, there is a way to quickly resolve the matter. With a simple registry value in the Windows Registry, you  ...
edited by on October 25th 2012, at 15:32

Read here why it is not, and why you should migrate to Joomla 2.5 as soon as possible:

edited by on October 25th 2012, at 12:02

An interesting read about the "rules of engagement" (or rather, lack thereof) when dealing with Joomla websites:

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