There are many ways to verify the syntax of a Powershell script (other than running it of course), but the most simple and useful is this one:
Get-Command -Syntax 'path\to\script.ps1'
If the syntax is valid, it will simply return the name of the script. If there are errors, it will provide a detailed syntax error report.
Using Powershell, you can quickly verify the status of the replication between domain controllers in Active Directory. This can be used in monitoring to verify a healthy AD replication. This can be run on any domain controller or on another system with RSAT or ActiveDirectory Powershell module.
Get-ADReplicationPartnerMetadata -Target "$env:USERDNSDOMAIN" -Scope Domain | FT -Auto Server,LastReplication*
To see forest-wide replication, replace -Scope Domain with -Scope Forest.
With the deprecation of Internet Explorer, it is currently no longer possible to install the Exchange Online Powershell module via ECP. But you can also install the Exchange Online Powershell module via Powershell itself:
First install the dependencies:
Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -Force Install-Module -Name PowerShellGet -Force
Next install the Exchange Online Management module:
Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement
When troubleshooting VoIP, it is useful to know the most common responses in SIP messages. Similarly to HTTP, each response to a request contains a response code indicating the status/result of the request. A list of the most common response codes is found here:
Black Manticore has recently been moved to a new webserver. The biggest change was the migration from PHP 5 to PHP 7, which, because of the code's age, broke quite a few things. Because of this, the website has been offline for a good while in September, for which we apologize. Most things have been patched since and we expect everything to operate as expected.
Another issue with the tags was discovered lately, causing tags to be absent from new posts. This has been fixed as of today and all affected posts have been updated. Because of the high amount of different tags, we're planning on performing a reorganization and cleanup of the tags in the very near future.
You can use VMWare's OVFTool to convert from OVF to OVA and vice-versa.
install-path\ovftool.exe C:\path\source.ovf C:\path\dest.ova
install-path\ovftool.exe C:\path\source.ova C:\path\dest.ovf